We made it to Hawaii

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We meet Taylor and her family at the airport. "Hey girl," she says with a smile, giving me a hug. "Hey," I reply. We go through security and wait fro the plane. "I'm so tired," Taylor complains. "Can't wait to get there...Hawaii is so beautiful," I smile. "And hot Hawaiian boys," Taylor says. "Does Nathan know about this?" I question rising my eyebrows. "He's aware," she smiles. "So what's up with the boys?" she changes the subject. "Still not talking to me," I tell her. "What's up with that?" she asks. I shrug "no one will tell me. I guess I'm suppose to ignore them too," I sigh. "That sucks," she says. "I know," I say. We finally get on the plane which was an hour late. We get to the hotel. Taylor, her little sister Ashely, and me share a room. We get there and we fall asleep.

The next day I wake with a note beside me. 'I went to the beach' Taylor writes. I get ready and change into shorts and tank-top. I walk around and look around. I see Jai in the gift shop. I didn't know whether to talk to him or not. He looks toward me and meets my eyes. I smile and wave, he just walks away. "Idiot," I mumble under my breath. I turn around and see Blake. I wave to him, and he walks away. "Rude," I sigh. I walk out the hotel.

My phone rings. "Paris can you come to the dress shop," Mrs.Drakes says. "I don't know where it is," I tell her. "Where are you?" she questions. "Outside the hotel," I say. "Go straight, then turn right at the pet store and keep going you'll see a store called Maria's dress shop," she tells me. "Ok," I hang up. I start walk to the dress store.

I enter the shop. "Hey Paris," Taylor says. "You're Paris?" a girl with dirty blonde and blue eyes asks. "Yeah," I smile. "You are so pretty," she says. "Thanks," I say with a smile. "I'm Maryland," she introduces herself. "Congratulations on your wedding," I say. "I'm so nervous," Maryland admits. "Girl, you better be happy," Taylor says. "I am and nervous," Maryland says. "You need to deal with it. You only get a perfect and real wedding once," Taylor adds. "I know Tay," Maryland says.

"Ok meet Sarah, Zindy, Lily, and Cassie," Maryland introduces us to the other bridesmaid. "Hi," I wave to them. "Lets pick dresses," Maryland smiles clapping her hands. "Tay-pink, Zindy-purple, Cassie-blue, Sarah- green, Lily- orange, and Paris- red," Maryland assigns us colors for our dress. "Excuse me do you have dress in different color but the same dress?" Maryland asks the store lady. "Yes, I have the perfect dress," the lady goes off and brings back beautiful dresses.

The six of us go into the dressing room to change. The dress was jeweled on top with diamonds that rained at the way to the waist which had a jeweled waist line and was puffy at the bottom that flowed to my feet. "Ready?" Maryland asks. "Yeah," we all say walking out together. "You guys look beautiful," Maryland smiles. "Go change back before I get jealous and make you were black," Maryland jokes. We all go back and change.

"Let's go hang out at the beach," Taylor insists. "Ok," I agree. We drop our dresses off at the hotel first. Taylor and I spend two days swimming and shopping and getting prepared for the wedding. We had to go shoes shopping. I was the only one that had to wear flats because I couldn't walk in heels. No one will notice because my dress covered my feet. On the day of the wedding we have to go get our nails done. We also got our hairs done. All of our hairs were curled and braided to one side and tied. Our make was done similar too. We get dressed and the wedding starts at 7:30 pm, when the full moon was by the water.

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