Party Time

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"Hey Paris," I hear a I sit down. "Hey Jai," I say. "You did great," he says sitting next to me. "Thanks," I say. "You are going to join the team right?" he asks. "The boys team?" I joke. "The girls team," he smiles. "Basketball isn't my thing," I shrug. "You're kidding?" he stares at me. "I don't do well in a much work," I tell. "Think about it," he insists. "So how's your ankle?" I change the subject. "It's getting better," he says. "How bad did you hurt it?" I ask. "It hurted really bad...but now it doesn't hurt as bad," he says. "I didn't know you guys were playing football," I smile. He laughs putting his finger through his hair. "I should go," he stands up. "You are leaving early?" I ask. "No, I'm the life of the party," he smiles. "Sure you are," I laugh. "I am...before I twisted my ankle," he nods. "Alright," I smile. "See you around," he walks away.

After a couple minutes of sitting around, I get up. I go to the mini bar to get a drink. I walk outside to the sandy part. I take a sip out of my bottle. I walk slowly in the cool sand. I sit down on the swing bench by the water. I stare out at the body of water. It was claim with the muffled music in the background. The dark blue sky with the shining moon made the water glimmer. I drink my drink, I sit there for a while.I finish my drink feeling a bit dizzy but relaxed. "Hey," I hear. I turn to see Blake sitting next to me. "What are you doing out here?" I ask. He chuckles "Just needed fresh air, but if I'm interrupting you..." he starts. "No," I sigh. "Good," he smiles. I stare out in the water. "It's beautiful out here," he says interrupting the silence. "Yeah," I nod. He takes a deep breathe. "So..." I start looking at him. "Yeah?" he raises his eyebrows looking at me. I didn't really know what to say to him. "So who's your next girl," I decide to say. "I don't even know," he laughs. "I thought you guys had these things planned out," I joke. "Really," he smiles. "Don't you wake up and plan to have your hair messy," I say looking at his hair. "What's that suppose to mean?" he asks confused. "Don't you decide to have your hair messy?" I question. "No, it just ends up like this," he claims putting his finger through his hair. "So you don't decide what girl you'll date every week," I say. "I don't date a new girl every week," he says. "Fine every two weeks," I shrug. "Where are you going with this?" he asks rising his eyebrows. "Honestly...nowhere...I'm just wondering," I state. He rises his eye brows once again "Why don't I believe you?" he asks. "Cause your stupid," I say. "Aw...that hurt," he says putting his hand to his chest as though he was in pain. "You're stupid," I laugh.

"You're rude," Blake says. My mouth falls open "am not," I say like a little girl. We sit there quietly for a while. "Want to play a game?" Blake asks once again interrupting the silence. "Sure...What?" I ask. "Pick-up-line," he says. "What?" I ask confused. "You have to say random pickup lines that come to mind," he explains. " start," I say. "Okay...Let me think," he says. "Oh...ok...Do you have a sunburn or are you always this hot," he says, I break out laugh "that's stupid," I laugh. "Your turn," he says laughing. "Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you I smile," I say with a smile. "You sound like you use that," he jokes. "I might," I say sarcastically. "Do you have a map? I'm getting lost in your eyes," he says. "That's cute..."I joke, "but cheesy," I laugh. "Does your left eye hurt? Cause you were looking right all day," I say laughing. He joins in laughing. "You're so beautiful I forgot my pickup line," he says. "Was that a pickup line?" I ask. "Somewhat," he shrugs. "You should use that on your next girl," I smile. " Your still on that," he says. "Yes...and I got one last pick-up line that I know someone uses," I state. "What?" he asks. "Did you fart cause you blew me away," I burst out laughing. Blake was trying so hard to not laugh, he then starts laughing.

"I know you're annoyed but I just want to know," I say going to his girl for this week conversation. "I have a huge crush on someone I have no chance with," he stares into my eyes. "No way, every girl at school has a crush on's crazy," I say. "I think it's crazy and weird for me to fall in love with her," he opens up. "We're all weird we just need to express our weirdness," I tell him. He chuckles softly. "I think you should tell her," I suggest. "I can't," I sighs. "I can't," I sighs. "Don't you think you'll miss the moments you guys would have together," I say. He takes a deep breathe "the worst way to miss someone is to have them sitting right next to you and you now you can't have them," he says looking into my eyes. All of a sudden we were kissing.I back away. "I'm sorry," he says. "I might be a little drunk," he adds getting up.He puts his finger through his hair. "I'm going to go," he walks away.

I take a deep breath, putting my fingers through my hair. I sigh getting up. I head inside. "Hey, I found someone for you," Maxy says. "What?" I question. "His name is Chris...Blue eyes, dark brown hair, smooth skin," she describes him. "I'm not looking for anyone," I tell. "He's fine and he has a cute friend," she tells me. "I'm not in the mood," I tell her. "Please, Paris do me this one favor," she begs. "And besides he wants to talk to you," she says. "Why does he want to talk to me?" I ask. She shrugs "come figure it out," she pull me with her.

"Paris," he says. "Cam," I hug him. "Hey little sis," he smiles. "How did you find me?" I ask. "I just did," he smiles. "I missed you," I tell him. "You know him?" Maxy asks. "He's my brother," I tell her. "Damn," she mumbles under her breath. "How have you been?" he asks. "Great," I tell him. "I'm sorry about what happened to you," he says with ad eyes. "It's had it worst," I tell him. "Better," he says. "Better?" I question. "I was away from them for three years...I've been out for two months," he tells me. "But you were in jail, it couldn't have been easy, juvie was hard," I tell him. "For're too nice," he smiles. "You were seventeen," I tell him. "Now I'm twenty I can manage," he says. "I want you to come with me," he adds. "I stare at him "I can't, I just got use to this place, I can't just leave," I tell him. "You need family...we need to get out of here," he says. "Cam, I'm sorry...I like it here," I tell him. "Ok...fine, I don't want to be the one that messes up your happiness," he says. "I hug him. "I love you," he says. "I love you too," I tell him. "I'll miss you," I say. "Together forever," he smiles. "Together forever," I mumble. "Bye little sister," he says. "Bye big brother," I reply. He walks away. "Bye Paris," my brother's best friend says. They've been best friends since they were born. "Bye Alex," I say. "They are so cute," Maxy mumbles. "They are too old for you," I tell her. "Age doesn't matter," she claims. "So you will date a forty year old?" I question rising my eyebrows. "That's nasty," she says.

"Hey girls," Taylor meets up with us. "Hey girl," Maxy says. "You goes want to get going," she smiles. "Yeah," I say. "Did anyone get drunk?" Taylor asks as though she was our parent. "On hot boys," Maxy laughs. "I may be a little but it doesn't affect me," I tell them. "Tonight was crazy,
" Taylor admits. "Really crazy," I say getting on the car. Taylor drops me off and I head in going straight to bed.

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