Prompto X Reader

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             You all reached Altissia the other day and have been going crazy trying to find lady Luna. We got an order that the first secretary would like to speak to us, but she wasn't going to be in until tomorrow. "Well, I suppose we could see the sights first. We deserve a little day off I think" Ignis sighed, looking around the city.

You and Prompto lit up "Really?!" you said in unison.

Ignis chuckled while Gladio stretched "Sounds good to me. I think I'm going to the pub. Wanna join me Iggs?".

"Indeed. Noct are you coming?" Ignis asked, walking away with Gladio.

"Yeah, I'm coming. You two following?".

              You and Prompto looked at each other, then quickly ran towards the guys. Ignis and Gladio ended up sitting at the bar while you, Noct, and Prompto sat at a table a little ways away. You weren't technically old enough to drink yet, but Weskham let a few slip your way as long as you were careful. "So, Noct! Ready to beat the Leviathan?".

Noct slowly looked up from his phone, sighing heavily "Yeah, I guess. Hopefully Luna will be able to help and persuade him to trust me".

"I'm sure it will be okay," You replied, "You are the chosen one after all".

You bumped his arm with a wink, letting him know you were teasing him. He chuckled, "Apparently. However, I will need all the help I can get".

"Well," Prompto started "It's a good thing you've got us!".

Noct looked from Ignis and Gladio, back to you and Prompto "Didn't you have something you wanted to do Prom?".

Your eyes flashed to Prompto who wore a blush "Uhm- Yeah but I don't want to leave you alone".

Noct smirked "Just go man. Gladio and Specs are with me".

"What are you doing?" You asked.

He cleared his throat before finally meeting your gaze "I wanted to... well, I wanted to see if you would go for a little ride on the gondola with me".

You were a little shocked, but the thought of you and Prompto finally alone both excites and scares you.

You cast a glance at Noct to find him smirking, looking at his phone again. You clear your throat "Uhm, yeah sounds like fun".

Prompto practically jumped up "what- really? All right, let's go!".

You giggled as you walked around the table, hearing Noct chuckle "Have fun you two".

                You took the main gondola back to the town, then strolled over to the ride area. They would drive the gondola around Altissia so you could see the beautiful lights of the city. Prompto paid for the ride, and you both got in the boat, letting the driver take off. This gondola was a little different because it had a small sunroof over the seat for privacy, but you could still look around and see the lights within the water below you.

                At first Prompto didn't say anything, then you heard him sigh softly gaining your attention. He was watching you in awe. He let out a breath "You look amazing against the lights... can I please take a picture of you?".

                You could feel the blush slam on your face. Nobody has ever wanted to take a picture of you before. You nodded slowly, letting him angle himself. He smirked "Just look over your shoulder towards the lights, maybe a little smile as well? Whatever feels comfortable to you!".

                 You giggled but followed his instructions. You looked over your shoulder at the beautiful statues and lights in the distance, causing a soft smile form on your lips. You heard the camera click, then found Prompto staring down at the picture. You leaned forward "Prompto?".

He took a moment, then shook his head "You're so beautiful".

It was barely audible but you heard it. Your heart flipped in your chest, and the heat on your face worsened. "Th-Thank you" you breathed, gaining his attention.

His eyes found yours, then he slowly sat next to you "I'm sorry, I couldn't hold it in I guess".

                  You both tried to laugh the tension away, but it failed. Something grew between you two, calling you to come closer. You could see his body turn towards you so you mimicked him. He licked his lips before leaning closer "I wanted to do something a little romantic. Is it working?".

His voice shook slightly from the nerves, making you practically melt. You thought he was adorable. Your hand moved on its own up his chest and wrapped around his neck "Yeah, it is".

                 You both moved in closer, pausing inches away from each other. You could feel his breath on your lips, and your eyes met to look for any hesitation or rejection. Thankfully he broke the space between you, and his lips pressed against yours. You moaned, making him squeeze you tighter against him. You knew this was probably wrong; after all you were on a dangerous mission right now. However, he was the one bright spot through all of this. No matter what happened, he was always the one who picked you up and made you smile. Now, he's finally yours.

                  You don't know how long you two stayed like that. Wrapped in each others arms and lost in the feeling of your lips against the other. The gondola slowed, pulling your attention towards the docks. The driver sighed happily "Alright, we are back at the city! Have a good night!".

                 Prompto helped you off the Gondola, then you both headed towards a café off the docks. You ended up holding each other and laughing while you ate. After you were finished, you two strolled back towards the hotel when Prompto stopped you at a huge water fountain lit up with lights. He hummed "How about a pic together?".

                  You laughed, but agreed as he pulled you in his arms. He kissed your head while you smiled, hearing the click after a second. You looked down at the picture, studying it with a giddy feeling welling inside you. Prompto slipped his arm around you, "So" he squeaked "I know we have a mission to do and all but... Will you be mine?".

You both looked at each other, then your lips found his. You stayed there for a minute, then finally broke away.

He smirked "Does that mean yes?".

You bit your lip with a nod "Absolutely".

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