Part 2

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I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER! But, here it is xD I hope y'all like it! Any requests let me know. I will find any excuse to write. Enjoy everyone! Next one will hopefully be Ignis <3 <3


              You stood next to Noct as he sat on his throne, arguing with the console about the new law they wanted established. They wanted to higher the prices in Insomnia, but Noctis was telling them to shove it. Noct rubbed his eyes for the millionth time in the last hour, and let out a long sigh "Like I said, over and over and over again, we are NOT RAISING THE PRICES! After the attack everyone is still struggling to live. If anything we need to lower the prices. When you have a plan to do that, then come see me. Until then, I'm done discussing this. You're dismissed".

                You watched the men from the console look at each other in anger, then turned around in a huff. You looked to your left to meet Promptos eyes, both of you having the same sense of worry in them. You chewed your lip while you watched the men leave the room, allowing you all to let out a long breath. Noct leaned his head back with a groan "Damn, why won't they stop". 

Ignis stepped forward "The consoles sole purpose is to make sure the city runs correctly. They are only looking out for the well being". 

Prompto peeped out next, "Yeah, man. They're just doing their jobs".

Noct's eyes found yours and he smiled softly "What about you? What do you think?". 

You shrugged before looking at the ground "I agree with Prompto. However, I think you not raising the prices are a great idea. Like you said, people are already struggling and that might cause an uproar". 

        He stayed quiet, but gave a slight nod in acknowledgment. He stood up with a sigh and walked down the steps slowly, "I'm going to rest. You guys go ahead and do what you normally do". 

Gladio chuckled before folding his arms, "You heard him! It's training time anyway". 

You and Prompto gave a loud groan, "Aw, Man! Come on big guy we just went through torcher!".

               Gladio made you all train and work out for 3 hours straight before finally showing mercy. Ignis prepared dinner an hour ago, and you headed towards the dining hall with Prompto as soon as Gladio dismissed you. Prompto groaned beside you as he stretched his arm behind his head, "Thank the gods! I thought I was done for!". 

You giggled "Same! He always pushes us to the brink of exhaustion!". 

Prompto sighed and ran a hand through his hair "I guess its just part of the job, hu?". 

          You hummed in response as you entered the dining hall. You saw Noct get up from the table, and looked up to see you two staring at him. You realized there were workers in the room, so you had to bow to Noct to keep up appearances.

                Noct hated it when you guys bowed to him, but if you guys didn't do it in front of the staff, they would be furious and say how disrespectful the crowns guard was. Noct strolled up to you guys and told you to rise. You stood up straight and smiled at each other. Noct cleared his throat, "I was just leaving for bed. The food is still on the table so help yourself. I will see you all tomorrow".

Prompto chuckled and rubbed his hands together "Oh, yeah! I can't wait to eat. I'm starving!".

           He walked past Noct and left you two alone. Noct gave a small smile before sliding past you, your hands brushing each other softly. Then, you felt something slide in your hand just before he let go. You looked back at him to find his eyes on you, before turning around and leaving. You looked at your hand puzzled, then glanced around the room to make sure nobody was watching you. You opened the note, holding back a grin. It read. "My room, tonight?". You held back a groan and joined Prompto at the table, digging in soon after.

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