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Hey everyone! Okay a couple things. First, this isn't my best work so I'm sorry. Second, this was going to be a Gladio one, but it kinda turned on me. Also, Noct didn't die in this. He's alive and kicking lol. Okay, enjoy! <3 <3 (Sorry, I was in a hurry xD)


        You were walking down the hall of the palace, hoping nobody would stop you on your way to the kitchen. You haven't eaten all day since Gladio and the others were on a 'training' kick. Insomnia was finally rebuilt, and Noctis is ruling the kingdom very well. We were all so proud of him, but he wanted you all to be sharp and on our toes from now on. You could understand that though, considering everything that you've been through. It proved to all of you that anything could happen at anytime. Which is why you all are training 24/7 lately.

        You finally made it in the kitchen, which was completely bare now. You let out a sigh of relief before walking to the fridge and opening the door. When you heard the door open again, you closed your eyes holding back a groan. You technically weren't dismissed; you just kind of walked out when they weren't paying attention. You slowly turned around and let out a sigh of relief when you saw Noct standing there. You grinned "Your majesty". 

He rolled his eyes "I told you, when nobody is around you can call me Noct. Aren't you supposed to be training?". 

        Your body went stiff as you tried to form a great lie in your head. However, you couldn't come up with anything to your dismay. You sighed and looked at the floor "Look, we have been training ever since this morning. Non. Stop. I needed to eat before I pass out". 

         Noct pursed his lips and folded his arms crossed his chest as he studied you. His face was hard to read and you could never tell what he was thinking anymore. Ever since you came back, Noct has been too busy with Insomnia to hang out with everyone. Again, it's understandable. He finally walked over to the fridge, making you step sideways out of the way, and he leaned in slowly.

        When he stood up straight he handed you a big Tupper wear of spaghetti before opening the freezer and pulling out a huge tub of ice cream. He winked at you "Come on, I know where to hide". 

          He led you through the palace and walked into the lounge area. Nobody but the king was allowed in here unless you had permission from him. You sat down on a huge black couch and watched as he sat next to you and handed you a fork.

         You gladly took it with a smile and started to dig in the spaghetti with him. You looked around and hummed "So, this is what the lounge looks like".

He chuckled and swallowed a mouth full of spaghetti "Yeah, it's nice to have a hiding spot". 

         You were finally full after a while, and you two stopped your casual conversation to stuff the ice cream in your mouth. You laughed and talked about the city and how amazing it felt to be home. He told you funny stories about the counsel and things that happened to him every since he's been back.

         You shared a long laugh, when you both fell silent as you ate another bite of ice cream. Noct chuckled, "You got some on your chest".

You looked down and gasped "Oh no!". 

         He grinned, reaching his hand towards you. His finger slid down your skin and wiped off the ice cream. You felt Goosebumps form where he touched, then watched him bring his finger to his mouth and lick the ice cream off. Your mouth hung open slightly and you met his gaze. You bit your lip as you studied him, wondering if you should make a move or wait it out.

        Noct leaned forward and made your heart race in your chest. He sighed "You alright? You seem a little distracted now".

You gave a soft smile "Nope, I'm good. Just wondering how it taste". 

        You meant his lips not the ice cream, but you could never tell him that. He smirked, tracing your body with his eyes "You want to find out?". 

         Your breath caught in your throat as you wondered if he was serious or not. Without warning, he closed the space between you two and placed his lips on yours. Your eyes fluttered closed as you kissed back. His lips were so soft and warm. It was better than you could ever imagine. His hand slid crossed your cheek, pulling you closer to him.

        You two stayed like that for what seemed like forever, when you finally broke apart. You stared at each other, waiting for the other one to speak. He grinned "Sorry, I should have asked first". 

You quickly shook your head "No! It's alright. I'm glad you did". 

He sighed and rubbed your cheek with his thumb "I've been wanting to do that for so long". 

You felt a smile fall on your lips and you pressed your forehead to his "Same". 

You were silent for a few minutes, then Noct looked at you "We can't let people know about this... but I want to be with you, ___". 

         You couldn't help but feel happy and sad at the same time. You were happy that it was finally happening between you two, just like you've wanted for years. However, nobody could know about the two of you. One the other hand, the king chose you. That's the best honor in this world right?

You took a deep breath and smiled at him "I promise, nobody will know".

He nodded "It sucks we have to keep it secret though. I just don't want the drama".

You both chuckled and you slid your hand up his chest "I understand, Noct. It's alright". 

         You two kissed again, but this time it was longer and more passionate. When you broke apart he looked at you with a look of awe "I-I love you, ____. I always have. I'm sorry it took so long to tell you".

Your heart flipped in your chest "I love you to Noct. I'm just glad you finally did". 

        You both leaned back on the couch with you in his arms, talking softly and relaxing for a while. Then, you both fell asleep like that, happy and content. 

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