Noctis X Reader

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 You were in the tent getting dressed, when you heard Noct sigh "Damn it Iggy, it's too early".

 Gladio chuckled "You'll be alright". 

        You unzipped your tent and stepped out, earning the attention from the guys. Prompto beamed "There she is! You ready?".

You gave a nod "Yep, all set!". 

        Everyone piled into the car, and Noct held the door open for you. You thanked him and slid next to Gladio, waiting for Ignis to take off. You were supposed to go to a tomb in the middle of the forest, and you hoped it wouldn't be in the deep depths of a dungeon again. You slid your headphones in and listened to music on your phone. You were nodding your head and relaxing when you found Noct studying you. You smirked and slid and ear bud towards him. After a second he took it and put it in, grinning from your choice of music.

            When you guys finally arrived, you got out and headed towards the location you were given. You walked in the entrance and groaned, knowing immediately it would be another long dungeon. Prompto laughed "My thoughts exactly ___".

Gladio pushed past you both "Let's just get this over with". 

         You went through twists and turns, getting lost a couple times, and getting scared when daemons randomly popped up. You had to fight an Arachne, which you freaking hate spiders, and then eventually you found the tomb. Noct slid his hand crossed your lower back as he passed you so he wouldn't bump into you, but that touch sent sparks through you; making you wish he would do it longer.

          He held his arm out and the royal arm went through him with a beautiful flash. All the weapons danced around him and then vanished as quick as they came. He turned around and looked at everyone, then his eyes fell on yours. "Alright, another one down" Gladio said, but you could barely hear his voice. 

         Everything seemed so far away when you were staring in his eyes. Finally Ignis snapped you out of it by clearing his throat and you tore away from Noctis to look at him. Ignis raised a brow "Are you two ready? We have to navigate back to the entrance and hopefully miss all of the daemons on the way". 

You nodded "yeah, of course! Let's get out of here I'm running low on fuel".

        You all navigated your way through the dungeon again and only ran into a few goblins and flans, which you hated those as well. When you finally stepped out and saw sunlight, relief flooded you and you let out a long breath "Ah thank gods! Sunlight!".

Prompto ran up next to you and chuckled "Oh yeah! It's so beautiful!". 

         You walked out of the cave first and ran your hands through your hair, soaking in the sunlight. The guys walked passed you and Gladio laughed, "Alright, come on. I'm starving".

Noct groaned "Yeah, me to".

         You started to follow them and heard growling all around you. You tried to look around and find the source, but you couldn't see anything. You got a bad feeling in you stomach, "Guys, we need to get-". 

         Something slammed into you hard, and you fell on the ground with it on top of you. You screamed and dug your sword against its neck to keep it from biting your face off. You opened your eyes and panic spread through you when you saw the Coeurl on top of you, clawing at your sides. It's claw finally connected with your stomach and you screamed, trying to kick it off. Someone threw it off you and grabbed your arm, tossing you into someone else. Gladio stood in front of you and you were now in Noct's arms, everyone looking at you with worried expressions.

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