you receive a love letter in your shoe locker from an anonymous admirer

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genre: fluff. very slight angst.

warnings: jealousy, possessiveness

he's already fuming the moment you open your locker and hold out the pastel pink card, sealed by a shiny heart sticker with your name written in smooth calligraphy.

it doesn't take much for him to realize some other dunce head is trying to make moves on his girl.

and he absolutely won't stand for it.

he stomps over to you and snatches the letter right out of your hands as you're reading it.

your complaints go ignored behind him while he inspects the writing with the most livid expression.

you know that ugly face he makes when it comes to his over-exaggerated anger? the one with his eyes all squinted and the corners sharpened upward?

that's his face as he continues reading, growing more twisted at every mushy sentence this anonymous admirer had the gall to say to you.

at one point, he can't stand to read it anymore so he crumbles the letter in his fist before igniting it into crisps.

you scold him for causing such a scene and letting his anger get the best of him, but bakugou is still annoyed about it regardless.

"tch, who the hell does this shithead think they are, trying to make moves on you when we're already together?! i'm gonna kill them when i find out who it is!" he exclaims, hands instinctively sparking with heat that scares off the other students walking by.

you mentally facepalm at this. still, you go about reassuring him that you won't be swayed and take his hand to walk to the dorms together.

"katsu, you know it's going to take more than a love letter to make me leave you, right?"

"heh, damn right, it's gonna take a hell of a lot more that's for fucking sure," he sneers, a confident smirk on his face as he knows everyone else never had a chance with you to begin with. they can keep sending those letters and he'd make sure to burn them before they could even reach your hand.

on the way back to the dorms, he makes a conscious effort at pda—arm wrapped around your waist while his eyes glare daggers at any extra that even so much as looks at you the wrong way—asserting his claim over you.

meanwhile, having bared witness to that whole scene, your secret admirer is trembling in the corner. they make note to never send you another letter again unless they want their life to flash before their eyes in a fiery explosion.

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