Oreo Tops

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Oreo's were your absolute favorite cookies. Being one of the few native-born Americans in a Japanese school was weird, but it made more people automatically like you.

They wanted to know what city you moved from, how you learned Japanese, why you chose U.A., your plans for hero work- they just wanted to know everything about you.

It did intimidate you, plus you hadn't exactly made any friends yet, so you found yourself clinging to Kirishima, the kindest redhead with a literal rock hard body most of the time.

He talked to you the most, meaning he made up most of the conversations you guys had, and you were quiet.

You weren't shy, no doubts there, but you just didn't want to say too much or say something stupid in front of people you didn't know.

Especially with the paparazzi hounding the school's entrance. So you'd stay quiet, make jokes with Kirishima, Denki, and Jirou to pass the time, then go home.

But you always had Oreo cookies on you.

You'd buy the big packs from the "American section" of every supermarket every few days and allowed yourself to eat two of the 6 packs per week- just so the training you did at U.A. wouldn't go to waste.

Bakugo, easily the second person you spoke the most to in the entire 1-A class due to proximity, would always tell you cookies weren't good for you, that sugar would kill you, and that he'd laugh when you got diabetes.

You knew he didn't mean these things, so you never got offended. Kirishima even ate a few Oreo's when you'd pull out your pack during the week and make a joke about how you'd only eat the filling with one of the cookie sides and never the top one because you didn't carry around milk.

How can you eat a cookie without milk?!

It was one of those moments where Kirishima would tease you right now.

"You never eat the top cookie! It's kind of weird bro- who doesn't eat the whole cookie?" Kirishima said, still trying to wrap his head around why you were stacking the little none-filling-sided cookies in a stack.

You were content just shrugging and bobbing your head to the music from your headphones. It wasn't too loud, just something to get people to talk to you less outside of school or during lunch if you weren't among friends.

"I just don't want the cookies without the filling Kiri, is that so weird?" You mumbled, already prepping the next cookie and adding another plain sided cookie to the mini pile you'd made.

"It is weird bro. Just eat the whole cookie. Just once, eat the whole cookie! It's driving me insane," Kiri sighed dramatically, reaching for another cookie and popping the whole thing in his mouth.

"What's got your panties in a twist? I just like half cookies! I like equality among my cookies!" You insisted, already handing the rest of the cookies to Kirishima to finish.

Kirishima popped another whole cookie in his mouth. "I don't know, it's just weird. Wouldn't equality among cookies means eating the whole thing as it is? Not just the parts you like?"

You rolled your eyes, "they're just cookies Kiri, it's not like they're gonna have their own agenda for how or where or why they're eaten. That would imply that cookies have a consciousness and are aware of cookie discrimination. They'd never know!"

"But what if they did y/n?! What if you're hurting each of their feelings by excluding the top cookie?! It's so not manly!"

"How the hell can you bring manliness into cookie eating?! It's just a cookie! Besides, wouldn't it be more manly to leave one survivor cookie each time? I'm leaving them one survivor cookie to plan their revenge on me," you insisted, already ready to give up on the argument.

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