Air Conditioner

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Whenever Bakugou and his s/o have an argument, he turns on the air con and the reader always comes back to him to cuddle because they're cold?

"Can you stop staring at me like that?" you huffed, frowning as Bakugou sent you a look he knew you could never resist. "I'm still mad at you."

"No, you're not."

You narrowed your eyes at him. "Yes, I am!"

He hardly bothered to hide his amused smirk. "You won't be for long."

You felt your annoyance grow when you realized he wasn't taking you seriously. He tried tugging at the ends of your hair and you swatted his hands away, scowling when he pinched your cheeks. You gave him an exasperated look.

"Oh, soon you'll see just how long I can stay mad at you, baka," you grumbled under your breath, standing up from your seat next to him and storming off into the kitchen.

"Is that a challenge?" said Bakugou with gaze fixed on the small of your back as you marched out of the room.

"No, it's a promise!"

As you heard his low laughter from the distance, you angrily opened the refrigerator to welcome a cold blast of air. You sighed. There was nothing a good meal couldn't solve– Besides, cooking was a great way to release anger.

Especially when you had all the ingredients to make Bakugou's favorite dish and the brilliant idea not give him any.

That would show him.

A good half an hour had passed and you finished making the perfect meal. Tonkatsu with extra karashi on the side. Your plan was to make only enough for one serving, but you accidentally happened to make the perfect amount for two.

But that most certainly did not mean you would let Katsuki have any. Nope. You supposed you just had to eat double tonight.

(The tupperware of the extra servings you put in the fridge were more definitely not for him when he got hungry later. They were only in there for safekeeping.)

Grabbing a pair of chopsticks out of the kitchen drawer, you began to eat your dinner as you walked over to the living room where Bakugou sat. He was lounging on the couch with a book in his hand when he saw you plop down on the opposite end and eat in silence.

"That looks good," he said, closing his book and scooting closer to you. He opened his mouth, resting his chin on your shoulder as you glared at your rice. "Can I have a bite?"


Thinking you were joking around, he snorted. "C'mon, babe."

When you pushed his arm off you and dipped the tonkatsu in a huge dollop of karashi you knew would be too spicy for you, his eyebrows furrowed.


You didn't reply, trying to stifle a wheeze from the overload of spices.

"Are you really still angry with me?"

No, you thought. In all honesty, you hardly remembered what you guys were arguing about in the first place. The only reason you were so upset now was only because Katsuki didn't seem to believe or care that you were mad at him.

"Yes," you said firmly, shovelling rice onto your chopsticks and indignantly stuffing your mouth so you wouldn't have to talk.

Bakugou looked at you but didn't say a word, trying to gauge your emotions. Under the pressure of his intense stare, you felt a grain of karashi-covered rice slip down the wrong pipe and you started coughing uncontrollably. Katsuki didn't even attempt to hide his chortles of laughter as he rubbed small circles into your back.

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