What Bakugou as a boyfriend would be like

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character: bakugou katsuki

genre: fluff, with a speck on angst

note: nobody has requested for this but I thought I would try out scenarios kinda

In general

-he's like baby who needs to be pampered all the time

-through the giggles, through the tantrums

-in public he acts all bash and rash

-but behind the closed doors is where the real touch deprived bakugou lies

-it's like he can't keep is hands of you



-he has this weird obsession with it

-you're cooking? He has to touch your hair

-you're doing your homework? He has to touch your hair

-hecc even when you spar, there'll be moments where he gets pinned beneath you and will shamelessly reach out for your hair

-it just one of the very few ways he shows his affection towards you

-loves hugging you and deciphering what shampoo and/or body woash you have been using

-and if he manages to get that correct

-cue a smug bakugou who literally can brag to the entire freaking dorm that he guessed it

-being in a relationship means a lot to him and his family

-so be ready to be adopted my masaru and mitsuki where they'll call you over for holidays and outings on weekends if katsuki is free

-and about fights, I feel like they'll be none

-because you're the last person he wants to fight with

-and show his wrath to

-he's seen that to be close to him, people accept his ugly demeanor and are willing to look beyond it to love him

-so cue a soft katsuki who just is a very vulnerable loving man


-cuddles are his source of energy

-it's literally what drives this entire relationship and I am not exaggerating

-there are two types

-one the very floofy as hecc ones where the both of you just bask in each other presence

-the other ones being the somber cuddles where both of you open up to each other in a newly found intimacy

-the floofy as hecc ones are the days where none of you have the motivation to do anything

-and just want to laze around while taking a break from your hectic schedules

-you'll just lay on his chest while he brushed his fingers across your cheekbones, and both of you will just eventually fall asleep due to exhaustion

-the somber cuddles are the cuddles which happen frequently

-execpt, this time

- it's you big spooning katsuki in your embrace as he buries his head in your chest

-he vents out every single thing within him

-everything ranging from inferiority complexes, to the chance of this relationship making it

-it is the time where katsuki finally unwinds and shows you his weak side

-and the more he talks, the shakier his voice gets

-with the cuddles sometimes ending with you kissing his tears away and lulling him to sleep

-and honestly just the occasional squeeze of you arms against his torso is more than reassuring for him

-will curl up against you while sleeping, as his now steady breath fans across you ear

-and the rare occasions you run your hand though his hair as a mechanism to relax him, he'll ease up into your touch wile muttering a string of thank you's and apologies

-either way cuddling katsuki is the time where you truly build your bond with him as he eases into your touch, making you all warm, fuzzy and gauzy on the inside


­-two moods again

-ones where he wants to tease you

-lazy, sloppy kissing

-as his hands roam all over your body

-and occasionally linger around certain sensitive areas of your like the nape of you neck, or the chest

-but the moment he hears even a squeak out of your mouth

-he detaches himself from you and proceeds to condescendingly look at you

-as yours and his limbs are tangled

-and the other ones where he just goes on an uncontrollable brawl

-pressing you against the mattress, couch, the wall, the kitchen counter

-anywhere and everywhere

-his harsh grip on your shoulder and the other hand lurking around the hem of your shirt

-he's legit so good at this

-the right amount of pressure, the right amount of tongue

-has memorized your reactions to each of his trials and uses that to elicit certain reaction from you

-the day where is he feeling extra out of hand

-expect him to harshly bite on your lips and moaning and whining


-a relationship with him seems quite boring on the front

-but the simplicity of this relationship is really the best aspect

-everything is so transparent between the both of you

-he feels that if people have enough guts to look beyond a very repulsive side of him, he should be able to show his weak side to them as well

-the entire basis of this relationship is mutual trust and support

-beautiful one indeed!

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