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this time, i'm thinking about lifeguard!bakugou. i'm pretty sure i've also seen a post or two about him, but lemme get my brainrot out cuz he's driving me insane..

lifeguard bakugou doesn't give onlookers a show they don't deserve, but people will take what they can get with his classic black tank tops and those bright red swim trunks that hang loosely on his hips.

and really, he's only wearing the red trunks to follow the uniform rules and look the part of being an actual lifeguard. he's taken up the job over the summer for whatever reason.. and everyone eats it up in the end.

whether it's at the beach or a pool, he's on one of those tall, white lifeguard chairs designated for people like him on duty obviously. he's got his legs spread out, his right knee swinging inward every down and then with his form reclined back as he surveys the water and the area.

there are some days he's got a towel draped over his neck and shoulders for him to wipe his sweat away, or a pair of tinted sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose to hide his carmine eyes from the world.

it's sight to see most definitely. and you can confirm—as you're one of the many people who come to the water solely to look at him. okay, well- that's partially true. you come with your friends often to actually enjoy a bit of swimming—so what if you know exactly when bakugou's shift starts and ends?

anyways, it's not like you'd actually initiate anything from your attraction. you've seen the way he's already turned down multiple flirting attempts from the more bolder people willing to shoot their shot—it wasn't pretty.

"i'm the fuckin' lifeguard who's supposed to watch your asses and you're givin' me a reason to drown you," he had snapped at some particular person who thought that they had a chance. "scram."

the lifeguard team only tolerates his blunt behavior because he's actually pretty damn good at the job when he needs to be, and let's be honest—he attracts a lot of people.

it's another day of lounging by the water with your friends, relaxing on one of those typical white beach chaise chairs. you spend your time alternating between chatting and reading a spare book you had brought—paired with sneaking glimpses at bakugou, of course.

but something's different about today. 'cause you swear he keeps looking at you too.

you don't wanna get your hopes up too high; perhaps your daydreaming's getting a little too out of hand or something, but it's a little too difficult to ignore his burning stare.

perhaps there's something on your face? is something wrong with your swimsuit? it's nothing too raunchy or revealing—it's something you normally wear for these kinds of outings. or maybe he had heard you say something?

before you know it, his shift is ending soon. it's actually so bad how you've got it memorized. he gets replaced with this redhead that's definitely way more friendlier than him—kirishima, you think is his name, and you and your friends usually linger around the beginning of his shift before leaving.

"psst," one of your friends nudges your shoulder, sitting up from the chair. "bakugou's totally looking at you. like—he's staring in your direction."

you blink and sit up as well. okay so, you're not imagining things. "what-? really?" you don't dare cast your gaze to the lifeguard, refusing to make eye contact. "but- but why would he?"

"i dunno. maybe he-"

you finally glance over and catch sight of the the blonde heading down from his towering seat, and he tucks his rescue tube under his arm. your eyes follow him and his movements as he walks and—oh shit. he's walking towards you.

your eyes can't help but widen as he finally reaches your chair and tilts his head down at you, blazing eyes scrutinizing and narrowed. you're pretty sure you almost drop your jaw on the floor. he's even more stunning up close.

"oi," he says gruffly, glaring down at you in some sort of expectance. "quit your gawking at me. you do that way too fuckin' much."

oh god, did he really come over to you just to say that? "oh- oh," you stammer out, "i'm so sorry- i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable, i just-" you want to drown out of embarrassment, so it's a good thing that the water's right there so you'll just-

"oh, shut your yappin'," bakugou dismisses you quickly with a roll of his eyes, and you blink up at him, still a bit embarrassed that he had called you out. there's a pause that lasts for two seconds before he says, "i'm not gonna be workin' this shift anymore."

and now you're blinking up at him in utter confusion because what? why's he telling you this? did you make him so uncomfortable to the point that he's letting you know that he's altering his work hours? "i don't understand, i-"

"if you still wanna gawk at me, i'm switching shifts with the dude with the red shitty hair who usually works around this time." the blonde clears his throat and turns his head away, letting you process his words.

wait. wait. he's letting you know he's changing his lifeguard shift with kirishima beforehand because he wants you to. he wants you to be there. he wants to see you there. "o-oh."

bakugou meets your gaze again. a raspy chuckle falls from his lips then, and you let the image of his small smirk settle into your head as he offers it. "you better be there, pretty."

(you learn later on that the days he was wearing those tinted sunglasses, he was gawking at you too.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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