Another Day

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Hee Byol's pov

Its already been 3 weeks that I've been working at the café and I can say, so far so good. Two more employees got hired fortunately, I've known them.. yep! they were Soobin and Kai's friends.

Well, I wouldn't mind hanging around with younger people they're really cool and fun to be with actually. reminds me of those 7 dudes.

Only 1 week before we go to college and I still don't have the things that I'll need for school. well, since we're in college I just really need a large notebook and my laptop and maybe cute pens? yep!! I'll probably buy colorful pens so I won't get bored when I'm taking down notes.

I looked at the time. It was almost closing time. I cleaned the counter and the tables since no one was occupying any seats anymore and I stacked the chairs up on the table so we can just sweep and wipe the windows.

"Noona, didn't you tell us that you'll buy things today?" Yeonjun said while sweeping the floor.

"mhm! yep! why'd you ask?" I asked while I'm busy wiping the windows.

"You can go ahead noona! We'll take care of this" He added and smiled at me from the glass window.

"What about you guys? I can't leave you guys alone here and I'm older than all of you. I need to be a good noona" I cooed and laughed softly.

I sighed in relief after cleaning all the windows and looked at the baby chicks almost done sweeping.

"Well, we're almost done anyway. We can go with noona so she won't be alone while walking" Beomgyu suggested and linked his arm around me making me chuckle a bit.

"No~ you can't guys. You told me you have an exam tomorrow and you all need to rest and study after this" I flicked Beomgyu's forehead softly and smiled.

"Awww.. I thought you would forget" He pouted.

After the short chitchat, we said our goodbyes and parted ways. thankfully, Taehyun was going on the same direction as I was since he said his brother was gonna pick him up near the bus stop.

"So..Noona, you said you enrolled in a Music and Arts college. what course did you take? or I mean what do you want to enhance?" Taehyun asked while looking ahead.

I looked up and placed my fingers on my chin and tapping it slightly making a 'hmm' while I'm doing it.

"I want to improve my singing and composing so I went for Music based subjects and activities."

He looked at me. his eyes were a bit wide and his lip is slightly parted, I can tell he was surprised that I said I can sing. Well, I don't know myself tho, I haven't sung in a few years now maybe it may not be too good anymore like before.

"You can sing!?" he asked with a slight high pitch.

"Well.. yeah? haha but I haven't used my voice for a couple of years, maybe I'm not that good anymore" I said shrugging my shoulder.

He shook his head in disagreement and looked ahead.

"Hyung said those who were in the dark for a long time were the ones who shines the brightest." he said then looked at me.

"I'm pretty sure you'll do well noona" He smiled.

My heart felt warm and fuzzy with the words he said but not in a romantic way. for the past 3 weeks I've grown a liking towards my dongsaengs in the café, they fill the hole that Taemin left when he got murdered. I don't need to tell them my past since they were fully aware of it since It was on the news before.

"This is my stop noona." Taehyun added and stopped near the bus stop.

I was about to go when I felt someone was looking at us. my instincts kicking in making me look around for anyone who looks suspicious and even looking at the car plates so If anything goes wrong I would know.

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