His Cousin

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Yoongi's pov

"my cousin transferred here" I said and heaved a sigh

"well isn't that great...he can join us to make that Hee Byol suffer" Namjoon said and looked at me

"no..he can't and he won't" I said

"what do you mean?" He asked

"that kid is too innocent...and nice" I said and sighed

"which means Hee Byol will actually have a prince charming" V said suddenly

I nodded...

"look you can't hurt my cousin he's precious to me" I said and looked at them with death glares

"then convince him to transfer to another school" V said

"that's what I'm thinking pabo!" I said

he sighed and nodded

I sighed in relief knowing that my cousin will be safe whatever he is doing right now I just prayed he deosn't meet Hee Byol yet

Hee Byol's pov

after cleaning my wounds I go straight to my next class which is Literature so I went straight and sat on the back so no one will notice I quickly opened my notebook and started writing poems or more likely songs I was so focused I didn't notice someone just occupied the seat next to me

wow that's a nice song I looked at the person beside me and saw Yoongi's cousin Sanha

I just bowed and focused on my song when the campus speakers suddenly opened

Students...there will be a singing contest in our school before we go on camping and its called Student's got voice
Auditions will be on our music room later after dissmisal..that's all and have a good day

'you should join there!' I looked at Sanha

'should I?' I asked him

he nodded and I just smiled slightly but it faded when I saw the 7 silouhettes coming towards us

'run' I looked at him amd gestured him to leave he shook his head and smiled

my eyes got teary and I stood up infront of him

'out of the way bitch' I looked at Yoongi and gave him a glare

'No' I said and stood my ground

the two of them held me against the wall

'Jungkook!..Jimin hyung get off of her' I heard Sanha yell

I looked at the boys

I glared at them and tried to unclasped their hands

we said stop! and I felt a lot of pressure on my stomach causing me to groan

'no!..stop!..' Sanha was coming towards me but he got blocked by another 2 guys

'Heoseok hyung...Jin hyung please don't do this' then I saw him crying

I looked away so I won't see the heartbreaking scene I'am seeing

'someone actually cared for me and now he's suffering because of me I need to push him away too' I thought

then I felt another blow on my face then on my back another blow on my head causing me to wince in pain I bit my lips to restrain myself from yelling

'no!...stop want do you want from me!' Sanha begged while crying and all I can do is watch I don't have the energy to wriggle out of their grip I'm too beaten up

'transfer to another school and never get close to her' V said and pointed at me

Sanha looked at me and I smiled at him reassuring him that I'll be fine he looked at V

'No...I don't want to leave her' Sanha said and looked at me

tears fell from my eyes

'no' I mummbled

'well if that's what you want' V gestured Jimin and Jungkook and they started beating me up until my knees got weak and I'am half unconcious

'then I guess we'll make Hee Byol suffer' V said and was about to leave

'isn't it funny' I stood up and looked at V

'I'm already suffering the first day I was born!!...so beating me up is nothing to me so its useless...and Sanha is the very first person in this school who never turned his back on me like what Shikhyung and Misty did and what I did to...' I closed my eyes and blinked away the tears forming in my eyes

'so beat me up until I die...I will never let you take away Sanha to me!' I stood my ground and looked at Sanha and smiled he smiled back

I looked at V and his friends

'that's so funny...' V said and walked towards me

'but you took away the most precious person to me now I'am gonna take your everything from you' He said and gave me a slap on my cheek

and they walked away I faced Sanha and smiled I wiped the tears on his cheeks

'hey don't cry..its fine now'
I smiled

'what if they do something much more worse to you' he said

I shook my head

'like I said I've been suffering eversince I was a baby so anything bad that comes to me doesn't matter anymore so stay close to me hmm' I smiled and assured him

'but the one you turned your back on is it Eunwoo hyung' he asked

my eyes widened and I looked at him

'h-how did you know' I sat beside him

'he told me' I looked down and faced the window

'all I want is to have him back' I wiped the tears away and sighed

'you know I can help you' I looked at him

'you can?' he walked towards me

'sure I can...I'll convince him no matter what' I huggged him

'thank you so much..but Can I ask for a favor' I looked at him

'what is that?'

'can you ignore me when I'm being bullied...but were friends just don't protect me when I'm getting beaten'

he looked at me I begged for his response and he sighed

'fine...but if its over the line I'am helping you' he stood up and offered his hands

'let's go to the clinic' I chuckled and stood up

Sanha really is my angel I'll protect him no matter what for Eunwoo and for him

I'am happy I met him

~heluuuu authornim again so I hope you enjoyed this chapter I'am very sorry for the slow updates its just that my final exams are tomorrow and I studied for two weeks withouth visiting wattpad so yeah it killed me to death any ways double updates for my super amazingly awesome readers and I would like to say thank you for the votes I'm glad no one complained on my story phew...anyways wish me luck guys and please do pray for me and my upcoming exam
love lots...



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