Live with Us

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It has been almost 3 days after Hee Byol's encounter with Taehyung. In those 3 days, there's one person who've been lurking in the dark ever since the start of the girl's life alone. looking at the said girl's apartment from afar a soft crackle emerged from the black rectangle box from his pocket, shoving its fingers inside and grabbing the small communication radio in the process.

"I found her location." its voice a menacing sound.

from the other side of the line, it hears a soft dark cackle. the cold emotionless laugh sent shivers down the person's spine.

"Look for her, if she's nowhere to be found" another wicked laugh erupted from the other line, but now with someone talking in the background. "make sure she remembers her family" then the line went dead, statics only heard from the other line.

The person looked back at the building, grabbing his knife from his belt a sickly smile twisted on his mouth.

"Let's go play, my money maker" then disappeared into the dark.

Hee Byol's pov

"I'll catch up with you guys in a sec" I informed. hurriedly prancing my way to the teacher's office to submit my essay for my music class, bowing my head and leaving a 'thank you' before leaving.

I was exhausted and bothered by the whole me being cupid for my bestfriend until they go 'here comes the bride'. I'm not the romantic kind of gal and yet, here we are planning to make a girl's heart go boom boom pow!.

An exhausted sigh escaped my mouth while my legs plod down the steps. "Even thinking about it gives me headaches" I mumbled.

"Thinking about what?" A surprised squeal bursted out of my mouth as my eyes almost pop out of its sockets while looking at this now snickering Jungkook. "You look like you saw a ghost" he teased.

"I did" I replied. receiving a boastful smirk from the red haired lad.

"A good looking, desirable ghost perhaps" he boasted. eyes rolling skyward at the lad's praise of himself. This is Jin's fault for making him play the tsundere role on our last roleplay for arts, now he's liking the part.

"Okay Justin Seagull, let's get you home before I post your stolen photos on our school blog" I warned, tugging his sleeve as we walk down to the parking lot of the campus. Jin leaning on the van, tapping his foot impatiently at the both of us.

"What took you guys so long? I have to get my beauty sleep. this kind of handsomeness needs to be maintained" his slender finger pointing at his unearthly features.

"Can't deny with that" I remarked and slid my way past him and in the van. crashing my buns on the soft mattress of the seat beside Jimin who in the past 3 days have been my closest bestie with Taehyung ofcourse.

"What's wrong with his face" Yoongi asked. pointing at the younger man's pouting/scowling face.

"Hee Byol blackmailed me with my hideous pictures she took" He whined muttering inaudible curses in the process.

"I bet you tried to be cocky at her" Taehyung added popping his head between me and Jimin, resting his head at the shorter guy's shoulder. Jungkook on the other hand became silent with his friend's intuition that was, indeed, correct. pouting his thin luscious lips as he looked away with cheeks beet red.

The three of us laughing at his vulnerability and cuteness.

"Oh! by the way, Taehyung" I rested my gaze to the man resting on Jimin's shoulder. him doing the same action. "Yeah? What's up?" He replied.

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