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"Welcome to Puppy Cupcake sho- oh hey there buddy! Take a seat.. I thought customers enter our shop"

"Am I not a customer? I'm here to buy strawberry cupcakes for grandma and....hyung, can you cut the price for my mango chocolate cake?"

"Okay,let me read the check book then..oh here it is, Yang Jungwon- Mango Chocolate Cake, 3 silver coins" Sim Jaeyun, the owner of the desser shop was checking the price book while Yang Jungwon was counting his little coins with his tiny hands "here hyu-"

"Oh Jungwonnie, I have mistakes...it should be one silver coin"

"Really?..wait I don't believe you" Jungwon look at his hyung in disbelief "Oh you don't ? Look at this....it's a one silver coin for mango chocolate cake and mom literally signed this for you" Jaeyun usually lied about the price but most of the time, the Sim family don't want to take a money from their baby little Jungwon

"Naa~ hyung, just because I gave you fruits for recipes doesn't mean you can always free me, I felt like it's a really unfair things for your shop" Jungwon pout as he still hand the three silver coins "you can just cut for strawberry cupcakes, grandma wouldn't be happy if you refused to take the coins again"

"Okay then I'll take it" only for this time...

Jaeyun smile softly as he take the dessert for Jungwon who was already sitting in front of the cashier table. "Won, did you learned something new? Any level up?"

"Yes but I'm still trying to control freely with my hands" Jungwon say with a wide smile appear on his face while Jaeyun put a flower pot in front of him, yet it was just a bud plant

"Don't laugh at me if i fail it.... hyung" Jungwon playfully glare at Jaeyun because he look like he's already being ready to burst out laughing

Jungwon take a deep long breadth, as he raise both of his hands at the side of the bud pot. He's fingers slowly moving as the little baby plant start moving too. Jaeyun stare at both of the plant and Jungwon who's in a serious mode with a high hope

"H-hold on Jungwon-" Jaeyun stop his friend as he quickly approach the main door and lock it, while he pull down all the curtains right away. "Now continue!"

"Argg hyung...I need to start again, I almost fail it" Jungwon quickly try the same thing as well "I think it's going to work r-right?"

The little plant slowly moving again and it start growing, Jaeyun love to witness a living plant growing in front of his face

"YAYY MY LITTLE PLANT FINALLY BLOOMING! Jungwon you did it! That's the true level up~"

Jaeyun and Jungwon literally dancing in the room but little did they know the plant is dying instead of being flowering.

The two stop on their tracks as they just watch the flower change into a width "I guess...I made it's age too high"

"I wonder when will you control all the plants and let them grow even the woods in the forests, I'll try my best to help you as well" Jaeyun continue as he pull up all the curtains up and open the shop again. Jungwon sigh loudly as he just stare at the dead plant....

Yang Jungwon, who live at the Belifticas town near the woods and rivers has been dreaming to level up his secret ability. His grandmother has a small garden with fruits, flowers and vegetables for their life sources. Jungwon want to help her grandma with his ability since it's about controlling the plants but since he's just a learner and immature with his skills....the plants always end up dead or sometimes can't even grow


"Hyung I should head home now, grandma will be worry if I took too long" after the two have some creamy mango chocolate cake, Jungwon step out from the shop while carrying the little package on his hand.

Jaeyun want to watch Jungwon until he disappear from his view but his father call him on the kitchen to help him designed the wedding cake.

While he's being busy in helping his father, he hear his mother literally shouting out his full name infront of their new customer, well she's scolding at Jaeyun for keeping a dead plant in the table.

Jaeyun go out and take the pot with a pout on his lips. Someone is eyeing him and Jaeyun can't help but to look at the boy as well.

"Nice hair" Jaeyun compliment since the boy's hair is white but young and charming. "Thanks...your shop is comfortable and amazing, the name is cute"

Polite and gentle? Who is he? Where did he came from?

"Glad to hear that!...anyway, I haven't seen you here before, do you mind if I ask you about your name?"

"Oh..that's fine my name is-" the boy with white hair stop, his mouth hang open like he's thinking and space out

What's wrong with him? Or he don't remember his name or something?

"Um...tell me your name first and I'll tell you afterwards"

Jaeyun confusingly look at the boy with raising eyebrows, while this new customer still smiling like his drunk or what..

"Well..I thought you already heard my name from my mother but...I'm Sim Jaeyun"


"How about you?" Jaeyun is eager to know the boy's name because he looks weird and odd, something is wrong or different with this white hair boy

"My name is...uh...Sammy? Yeah..hehe my name's Sammy" the boy awkwardly start laughing and smiles widely. Jaeyun just join not to make more awkard

Why do I feel like he's telling a lie about his name? Jaeyun just shrug off his thoughts because his mother came back with the order "wow..you like toothpaste flavour? Ouch-..mom!"

"Don't say such things to our new handsome customer, go and continue help your father"

Jaeyun walk back with grumpy face and a dead flower on his hands. He look back as he watch the so called Samuel just walking out from their shop with the mint chocolate flavour crêpecake along with him.

He's trying to used an ability? Who is he?


Sammy haha well...I think it match him but I'm not sure if you also like about it

Why not telling him his real name? Because all the citizens know the four princes names. And you will find out soon why he used another name, and is the specialty in all their secret names..tadaa!!

Love yaa!!

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