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Dawn 1

"Wow we feel the same way! I also think like that too-"

"Yea, I bet they will end up together if they keep on acting together like that-" Jay gesture the two boys who are staying afar from them. Jake smiles widely when he saw Niki and Sunoo cuddling on the ground and already dead asleep, the park brothers only stared at them while Jungwon just stay silent and watch Niki hugging the white hair boy like he's the most precious thing in his life

"Johnny, you alright?" Jay notice the expression and just ask but Jungwon shook his head and look at the older with his squinting eyes "I'm just sleepy-" he yawns and feel like his eyelids are more heavier than before. Jay move abit closer and side hugging the boy who's sitting beside him

"You can lean on me"

Wait..I sound so cheesy-

Jay almost apologise but Jungwon already lay his head on his shoulder, already sleeping and even hugging him back. He doesn't know how to explain his happiness and the feelings he has on his mind, if he could, he will shout out to the world how much he loves this mango boy

"Bro just lay down" Sunghoon advice his brother because it'll be exhausting to sit like that all night. Jake quickly turn his attention on Jay and Jungwon, he cooed at them immediately and that makes Jay feel shy for the first time, Sunghoon and Jake continue to tease him while whispering things with their almost audible voice since they dont want to wake up the younger ones among them

"Okay then...I'm gonna sleep too" Jay slowly lay down, Jungwon flinch a bit when the older moves his body but still Jay helps him immediately to lay him down on the ground. Being already dead asleep, Jungwon continue hugging the boy and start snoring. Of course, The Prince of Pentra never thought a boy's snoring can be this cute, he finds Jungwon's sleeping just so adorable and keep on staring at the boy

How can I sleep when you look so adorable?
And you just happen to cuddle with me-
This is way too soon...but I'm so in love with this boy

Jay examine every inch of Jungwon's feature, the pretty eyes even though it was already closed, that cute little nose he want to pinch, those baby plumb lips he really want to kiss and feel the way it taste. But the only problem is that, he doesn't know what kind of feeling that Jungwon has even felt for him...or he doesn't believed that this boy will even like him back the way he likes him

At the middle of the night, Jay finally fall asleep while cuddling with Jungwon on the ground. The two start snoring out of nowhere, making Sunghoon and Jake to look at them weirdly "What if I suddenly snore like that in front of my crush? Damn, I'll die-"

The two have been sitting near the shore after Jay helps Jungwon to lay down on the ground. They talks about something like pets but always end up distract by the snores coming from their friends and they will just end up chuckling at them.

"You have a crush?"

Sunghoon suddenly ask the boy who's sitting next to him. Jake look at him with wide eyes...it's you idiot-
"No I don't have a crush haha I'm just joking!" What if he reject me if I told him that I like him? No in the long way I'm gonna expose myself just to get rejection-

"Oh really? And I have a crush-"

Jake feels like his heart suddenly drop on its own in his stomach, clapping for himself and how lucky he is for not exposing himself "Wow...so that p-person must be really lucky huh? Who is it?" Jake smile at Sunghoon who's also staring back at him

"I like him at the first time I met him, he's short, very cute and kind like an angel, he also own a little cute shop too but he's quite dumb. Still, he's the most adorable boy ever-"

Jake squint his eyes abit, thinking who must be that boy, the way Sunghoon describe his crush sounds so....whipped...Steven must be really love that boy- Jake almost drop his smile but quickly control himself while Sunghoon silently read his face

"You must really like that boy, but you haven't told me who he is...so who's that boy?"

"I mentioned that he's dumb right?"

"Yea?" Jake ask in confuse while Sunghoon sigh loudly and look at their front, smile abit when he stared at the moon above the lake..you surely are the adorable dumb one Jake-

"Why are you ignoring me?" Jake pout abit and whine on his seat, but still Sunghoon just giggle and continue ignoring the boy "Fine, I won't talk to you either-" Jake being a grumpy doodle, he sit with his crossing arm and watch the moon with furrowing eyebrows





Sunghoon smile at the boy, trying to hide it but he can't help but to just show it out because of the cute grumpy boy sitting beside him like an angry sad puppy. Jake also try his best not to smile when Sunghoon pokes his cheek with those pointy slim finger..Gosh..I'm angry..I'm angry...I'M ANGRYYYY

"I missed my mother"

Jake quickly turn his heads towards the boy, Sunghoon still form a small smile on his lips but he can feel that it's just a sad smile. He's about to ask something but Sunghoon speak up again "I lost her when I five years old....and I tried searching for her when I was seven but end up locking on my room from the outside so I won't go out to search for her-"

Jake slowly move closer to the boy and pat his back, trying to comfort. Sunghoon can feel his tears rolling down on both of his cheeks and he doesn't know why he suddenly said this out to Jake who doesn't even know much about him and they just met like yesterday but he feels so free when this boy is with him

"Dont worry, Steven! We'll find your mother and I will help you for sure, I promise!"

Sunghoon can see the sincereness on Jake's eyes and he smiles so widely that he didn't even noticed the pain on his heart that he felt for like a year now "I hope so but it's already 12 years now and I'm not sure if she's still alive or not-"

"Oyy be positive! Don't give uup so easily, we'll search her until we find her okay? Do you still know the place you used to live with your mother?"

"Oh...I think I'll remember if I trace some of the tracks. I dont know why but this place is also really familiar to me" Sunghoon reply and he's quite shock whenever he watch around this place and always end up finding this place so familiar to him like he has been in this place many times or long ago. Jake slowly nod his head and show all his teeth while smiling "Then will search for her from tomorrow onwards! By the way..let sleep for now okay?"

"Mmh..Jake, can I...I mean, can we cuddle too?"

Jake blush, speechless, froze and wide eyes but he's really happy on the inside. Sunghoon and him just look at each other, so close and just inch away but their little moment get distract by Niki who's sleep talking while hanging his hands up

"Imb da deabble bee bu hihihi hoooo~"

Oyy Niki-
Thats a bit embarrassing-


Sorry I'm late wait...not really late though I fall asleep hehe
Hope you like it


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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