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Day and Dawn 1

"I know when you're lying, remember that I can read your mind-"

"I know that but can you just deactivate your ability for awhile?"

"How am I supposed to do that? You're voices on your mind always pop up out of nowhere in my head and that's not my fault!" Engene grunted on his chair, crossing his arms while looking at the boy sitting beside him with his death glares as Heeseung raised his hands "I actually don't really know about Steven and that's the truth, to be honest"

"Yeah whatever" Engene pick up the cake and take his first bite, Heeseung just sit there without touching the food "We haven't met long but can I ask the reason why you stand for the dragons instead of the people?"

"Then, you also need to tell me why you hate the Dragons, okay?" Heeseung nod his head, finally sipping the coffee and turning his body towards Engene to pay attention "I met this little boy at the woods near the Dragon Lake, he's like around 5 years old by his features and he even calls me 'hyung hyung~' without really knowing who I am...he's so cute!"

Heeseung just shook his head and continue to listen Engene's past story "I tried to talked to him but a boy around his age ran towards us and he's crying, saying that their parents were captured by the...3 Kings...okay let me repeat- I hate the 3 kings but don't tell anyone, I'm not done yet-"

Heeseung is now looking straight at Engene, trying to memorise the past as well "You know what..Those little two boys tried to saved their parents! And what I found out is...that day was the day when the 3 Kings of Belifticas killed more than 50 Dragons and Wizards! I wonder what would have happened to the two little boys, they might be already dead now-"

"No, they run away-"

Engene shut his mouth and stay silent while looking at the boy sitting beside him with wide eyes. Heeseung look down at the floor and give a small smile..

"And they still looking forward for them since they're the last Royal's true bond of Dragons and Wizards....If they found them, then... they will be hanged-"

Heeseung look at Engene who is now deep staring back at him, the two can feels the tension between them yet they ignored. Engene scoff at the thoughts while putting down the spoon harshly and instead make a serious face afterwards

"I'm not gonna let that happen! Remember my words, Ethan!"


"Heeseung hyung is here-"

"He what? In this town?"

Sunghoon nod his head, his brother and Sunoo are too shocked to concentrate. The three stood far from the other three boys, Jungwon, Jaeyun and Niki are busy making fires on the ground. So, Jay, Sunghoon and Sunoo took that as a chance to have their secret conversation

"Why on earth Hyung has even doing in here? He must be prepare for the ceremony at this time but he's in this town? Is this mean that he also ran away just like us?" Sunoo asked a lot of questions at once, the Park brother also don't know the reason why Heeseung is here at this moment "I think he doesn't want the engage with Genac princess and ran away"

"But he is the Crown Prince, Hyung is a responsible person and I know how much he respect the King. So I don't think he will stay here to avoid the function" Jay put his fingers on his temple, and on the inside, he's nervous and scared "I do care about his feelings but if Heeseung hyung refused this... We're going to be the one who's going to be more suffer than him"

"Let's hope he won't... And we already promised that we're always going to help each other. So, whatever it is...We'll stands for Heeseung hyung"

"Agree!" Sunoo fist up, showing his approval. Sunghoon still think about something that always stuck on his mind and nudged his brother to ask "Uh...I heard the last meeting from Minister Yan, he said that....The Crown Prince need to destroy the Dragon's cave after he finish the 20th ceremony and we also need to join too but I... actually don't wanna do this-"

"Me too!" Sunoo pout his lips, almost tearing up when he think about destroying Ricky's home but the thing is that he's not sure if Niki is belong to the Niyang's blood. Sunoo again glance at their side, he watch the three boys abit far from them struggling to make a fire

"Niki why don't you just shift yourself into your dragon form and spit some fire on this woods?" Jake whisper on the younger's ear while Jungwon quickly shush them "What if those three sees you in your dragon form? They'll might report us to the Royal palace, you can't do it-"

"I don't think they will, they dont look like a bad person" Jake try to cheer up but Jungwon again shook his head "Hyung, remember the words? It says...don't trust no one! I can't put our lifes in danger again and I don't want the same thing to happen to us-"

Niki exactly knows why Jungwon has this trusting issues and why he is very protective towards him. Even though Jaeyun knows the truth, he's too naive and kind enough to just give someone a chance again and again. Jungwon shook his head with a sigh and pick up the small two stones "Let's just keep on trying with these stones-"

"May I help you?"

Jungwon quickly look up when he heard the voice, Jay is standing beside him and even make an eye contact with him. The older bend down and gather the small woods together, the other five boys just watch his actions. With only in 5 seconds, Jay start the fire, making their surrounding to light up and warm while Jungwon hang his mouth open "How you did that?"

"You can say that...it's my speciality!"

Jay wink at the boy beside him, Jungwon can blush just by that simple act. Jake start wiggling his eyebrows towards his best friend who also secretly glaring back at him, he can't help but to laugh at the younger. Sunghoon notice the beautiful smile again, so he quickly sit next to the boy and just continue glancing at Jake to see that smile "*ehem*" Jungwon is now the one who tease the older and Jake is the one who glares and blush at the same total time

Niki look at the olders in front of him, acting lovey dovey while heavily sighing at them. He scoff and turn his head to the side, Sunoo has been sitting quietly and a bit far from him. Niki can feel that the older is worry about something and avoiding him as well "Hey Sammy~"

"Oh..h-hey Ricky!"

Sunoo smiles at the boy who's now sitting with him. The two awkwardly look at their front, the Moon start rising up higher and higher, they find that so calming to gaze at. Niki again glace at the white hair boy and pat his back "Is there something bothering you? You look sad-"

"No, its nothing. I'm not sad..I'm just- scare about something"

Niki blink his eyes at the older replied and chuckle to catch Sunoo's attention "You know that I'm a dragon and I'm not worried about you being spilling out who I am...because I feel that you will never do it, I just trust you even though it might be too soon. So, I will protect you if you scare about anything-"

"R-Really? You trust me?"

Sunoo's heartbeat start fasten up it's pace when Niki slowly hold his hand to comfort him. Even though the younger might not know the real reason why Sunoo is worry and scares at something, his small action does help the older. The two continue locking their eyes and didn't even bother caring about the others beside them, Sunoo smile widely and holding back Niki's larger hand

"Then...I'll be loyal to you no matter what!"

I sound so cringe-
Why am I falling harder for this boy every minute-
What should I do now-


I have a test on tomorrow
I will still update a new chapter
Now, let me prepare for the test
Enjoy mangoess~💛

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