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Day 1

"So...Steven, where do you live?"

"In the hills-" Sunghoon realise what he just said as he quickly glance at Jake who tilt his head towards him "there's three hills in Belifticas...you mean the castles?"

"Uh No!...a-another hill..not them" wow, Sunghoon is so awkward, he doesn't know why it is so hard to tell a lie to this boy. "How about you?"

"I live near the tower, our family own a dessert shop...would you like to come?"

"Of course!-" Sunghoon may reply that too quick and felt shy afterwards. Jake again smile widely to the ice boy "b-but..I need to find my brother first or else he'll be nagging me for 24/7"

"Yeah okay and I really...do want to meet you again, can we?" Jake ask shyly while fidgeting his fingers, Sunghoon almost cooed it out loud because of what he just see....this boy is so cute

"I would also like to meet you again, we need a spot-" Sunghoon look around the place but Jake stop him "this same place is good since it's where we first met. So, find your brother and I'll get back to my house to inform my parents, then we'll meet here again...deal?"

"Deal" They shake each other's hands and Jake bid a goodbye while Sunghoon accidentally bow at Jake in royal's greeting style but he's lucky that Jake already turn his back to him

Sunghoon watch his new friend walking away, he feel so comfortable with this boy and he's just so warm. Sunghoon smile without a reason or a true reason.

The ice prince went back to the place where they slept at the woods. Jongseong is suppose to be here but his sword was left behind with Sunghoon's sword. The Prince took the two Pentra'n swords and then turning around to meet his brother running towards

"Bro I have something to tel-"

"I have something to tell yo-"

The two said in sync, Jongseong signal his brother to tell him first but Sunghoon choose to be the second "okay then....I met someone, while I was searching for you and he is just so damn fucking cute! His eyes and lips reminds me of a white little cute baby bunny and all the way he talks and action is so cute. The fuck- I haven't felt that kind of butterfly feelings before and I even promise him that I'm gonna visit him soon....I wish I can! Your turn bro-"

"That's a long ass quick speech of crush....my turn-..uhm...I also met someone and he's just so kind, smooth and a-adorable-" Sunghoon stutter while Jongseong make a teasing 'wooo' sound "Yah- don't cut me off idiot....and we also planed to see each other again soon. Means, I need to get back there to visit his shop"

"That's good....wait, I may have said to my cute friend that my name is Jay, I just don't want him to find out that I'm a prince but I felt like I betrayed the royal rules for using this secret name's out" Sunghoon can see the guilty in Jongseong's eyes "Don't worry bro-...I used Steven to him too and also one thing...he knew that I have an ability"

"SHIT! Did he find out that your a Prince?"

"No...I guess, no need to worry...he promise that he won't tell anyone" Sunghoon also promised that he won't tell anyone about Jake's ability, even to Jongseong "You believe him that quick? I thought you didn't easily trust the others"

"I don't know...but I just trust him" Sunghoon almost whisper the last line, Jongseong put his hand on his brother's shoulder while patting it

"That's a love at first sight, same for me too Hahaha- Now let's meet them!"


"Oh my God- I meant 'them' as my boy and your boy...lez goo~"

Jaeyun has been waiting for Sunghoon to arrive on their meeting spot, he almost gave up because the boy show up so lately...actually they were late because Jongseong kept on talking about Johnny that makes them walk slower than normal while Sunghoon listen to him PATIENTLY

Jaeyun move his legs to go home again but he heard Sunghoon shouting his name loudly, he turn around to see the ice boy with another boy who's holding his ears to avoid Sunghoon's shouting


"Jakey!" Sunghoon froze because why did he just called Jake as Jakey? Jongseong almost laugh out loud because of his brother's flustered face "uh haha Hey Jake...sorry for letting you wait...uhm this is my brother, his name is Jay"

"Nice to meet you Jake" Jay politely handshake with Jake and the three boys finally went straight to Jake's shop

"Wait...so we're all same age? Seriously? I thought I'm going to call Jake as hyung-" Jay stop when Sunghoon knock him on his back "Haha and then I'm the oldest" Jay laugh awkwardly, making Jake to chuckle at the other

Jay take his steps more slower and let his brother and his shorty crush to walk together. He watch Sunghoon's left hand and Jake's right hand were continuously brushing each others without actual holding

I'm literally being a third wheel here-

Jay scoff at the thoughts and still walk with them but when he notice the place where he watched Johnny went off to his hut

"Su-..uh Bro?" Sunghoon quickly turn around to face Jongseong who stand still on his place while Jake also watch them signalling each other, he really didn't catch the brother's languages

Jongseong finally went to visit his Johnny. Sunghoon and Jake continue to walk as well "where did your brother trying to go? I think I know that place-"

"Oh...he's just trying to meet someone, he met a new friend this morning and he's already falling in love" the two laugh at thinking Jay being falling in love. They doesn't understand why they act like they had met each other long time ago

"And who's his new friend? I may have know him"

"Uh...if I remember...his name is Johnny" Sunghoon calmly say when they arrived the Puppy Cupcake Shop but Jake just stand there freezing in front of his door after hearing the name

Johnny?...oh gosh! Jungwon, you also used the secret name just like me-


Sorry for late updated😔I know this will be just boring chap because I may have mistakes and since I don't have much time to recheck because of family problems

But still thank you for reading it😊

Lav ya ol♡♡♡

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