Love story in Emojis

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Handy Emo: Sounds like it sucks to be you.

Emo bird: Your life seems full of revelry in the dark. This groupchat itself is a mysterious banquet of madness

Holy Vines: I must agree with you, my fellow classmate. It's quite concerning the way that our possible friends are acting.

S.L.U.T: Do they always talk like that?

Tired dad: Yes.

Vampire dad: Yes.

Best Big Bro: They sound like Teyna!!

Fast Dad: Are you insulting me?

Best Big Bro: I would never insult you, lil Bro!! I love you!!

Katy Perry❄️🔥: See, this is how a good older brother behaves.

Smol Broccoli: It's like this, not making us do your chores by threatening to destroy our things!!

Secret Grandchild: ...
Shut up or your Eraserhead figurine will pay!!

Copy Paste: You have a Eraserhead figurine??

Tired Emo: I've tried getting one, and I couldn't find it!! Where can I get it?

Gimme Money UwU: I want one to!! Are they expensive??


Wine Mom: Shouta has merch??

Smol Broccoli: •/////•
He doesn't.
I just, really wanted one, so I made one by myself.

Tired Dad: Why would you want a figurine of me, problem child?

Smol Broccoli: Uh...
When I was younger I had the habit of analyzing quirks

Sparky Sparky Boom Man: *stalking heroes

Smol Broccoli: Shut up Kacchan.
Anyways, I found you. And, well, I am a REALLY late bloomer. Like, the first time Kacchan saw me using my quirk was in class.
For the longest time, people, me included thought that I was quirkless. So finding you, who can't use your quirk on mutants and then fight practically quirkless, was an inspiration. You were my second favorite hero. Now your my favorite hero.

Tired Dad: ...

Loud Dad: We will be right back...

Smol Broccoli: Sorry •///_\\\•

Japanese Snow White: 💁👌💪🍨🧁🍰🍫👏👏❤️😊😊

Smol Broccoli: sjdhndjsksjfj thank you!!

✨GLIMAH!!✨: ✨I know how to speak English, Japanese and French, but not emoji. Somebody translate!!✨

Cake for y'all: I think that's amazing and shows how strong and sweet you are.

Hazel Levezque: ajshdbnd that's so cute!!

Copy Paste: You don't deserve that pure baby!!

Monkey 🐒: Let's face it, nobody deserves him!!

Japanese Snow White: 😖👉👈❤️❤️🍫🧑🏽 (I actually believe I'm not good enough for Sato)

Cake for y'all: ...

Smol Broccoli: ...

Crazy=Genius: ...

Gimme Money UwU: ...

Hugs for y'all: ...

Japanese Snow White: 🙏😶🤫😥💁🥲👩‍🏫🧑‍🏫👨‍🏫🙅👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🙈🙊(please don't tell the class.)

Cake for y'all: I'm not going to tell.

Gimme Money UwU: ^^

Smol Broccoli: ^^

Crazy=Genius: ^^(maybe will start observing you so I can see how it works)

Hugs for y'all: Don't do it. Also, my mouth is closed.

Cake for y'all l: 🍽🧑🏾‍🦱❤️🍫🍫🤫🤫(we can go and have dinner tomorrow, if you want)

Japanese Snow White: 🥳🥳🤗🤗(I have a date with my crush!!)

Hugs for y'all: 🥳🥳(congrats!!)

Smol Broccoli: 👨🏾‍🤝‍👨🏼👨‍❤️‍👨😊😊😊(you guys dare the cutest)

Gimme Money UwU: 💘💟💟(my heart can't take it)

Smol Broccoli: 🧐🤨🤔💘🐸( I thought your heart had been taken by Tsu)

Gimme Money UwU: o////o

Lesbian/Girl Power: Can somebody translate?

✨GLIMAH!!✨: I don't speak emoji but I know it envolves lots of gayness.

Endewhore: AAAAAHHH!!

Handy Emo: With all the respect: What the fuck?


Smol Broccoli: Oh, yeah, I almost forgot I had done that😎

Manly 1: So Secret Love Child isn't Endewhore kid?

Endewhore: Don't call me that!!

Smol Broccoli: Ok, let's explain something: we are going to say lots of stuff. Not all of them are true. In the end, that is when I say it ended, you can ask your questions, and we will answer them, unless it's something that makes us really uncomfortable. Deal? Also:

Rät: @Smol Broccoli I say it's a deal. Also, who made your phones untraceable?

Smol Broccoli: Oh, that was me😳

Rät: ...
I wish to have a personal student.

Smol Broccoli: Really?

Secret Grandchild: This is the same kid that can look at somebody for like 1 minute and based on that find all about his fighting style.

Tired Emo: He also CANNOT see when some has a crush on him.

Smol Broccoli: There is somebody with a crush on me??

Tired Emo: 👀

Gimme Money UwU: 👀

✨GLIMAH!✨: ✨👀✨

Manly 1: 👀

Manly 2: 👀

Fast Dad: 👀

Staby Staby UwU: 👀

Sparky Sparky Boom Man: 👀

Smol Broccoli: What's with the eyes😖??

Taxi Mom: Izuku, Principal Nezu wants you has his personal student. Also, somehow, you are either hot or cute, cause all of the students have a crush on you.

Smol Broccoli: Oh, ok...

Copy Paste: Yeah, I was the same when I found out, Bro.

Manly 2: Are you ok Monoma?

Mom b: Did you just call Midoriya bro?

Pikachu 2.0: Welcome to the end of the world. Please take your sit.

Smol Broccoli: Thx bro, and remember: wait until the end. We will answer your questions.

I just realized I should explain this: they will probably skip the... I think it's called chorus, so it's harder to get it.
Also the timeline is everything until season 4, but the Overhaul thing never happened, so Izuku did intern with Nighteye, but the man is alive and Mirio still has his quirk

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