Slap to Sleep, FINALLY!!!

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This chapter has a little bit of 🔥🔥

Lesbian/Girl Power: @everyone

Smol Broccoli: @everybody

Tired Dad: Kid, it's freaking 3 am. What do you want?
Also, you still need to explain me that thing about Appa having a crush on me.

Smol Broccoli: So, insomnia is a bitch, and we have a schedule. To the explanation just wait a little more.
Anyways it's...

Lesbian/Girl Power: SLAP TO SLEEP TIME!!

Smol Broccoli: YEAHH!!

Secret Grandchild: Izu, it's too early for this...

Smol Broccoli: @Taxi Mom

Secret Grandchild: Ok, ok, we'll do it now!!

Smol Broccoli: @Secret Love Child

Secret Love Child: Fuck

Lesbian/Girl Power: That shouldn't be that perfect.
Anyways @Rät but make it bird.

Rät but make it bird: Oh my god.

Loud dad: Wait, didn't you said that slap to sleep was the best part of this whole thing?

Blood Dad: I would prefer if you did this in more... common hours, but I would never lose this.

Staby Staby UwU: ^w^

Trans Queen 👸🏽: ^^

Katy Perry❄️🔥: ^^

Yes. No! Yes. No! Etc: ^^

Magic Dad: ^^

Copy Paste: ^^


Tiktok: ^^

Taxi Mom: Kai, come join us in the living room. We have snacks. And I made sure the alcohol is far away from Izu this time.

Smol Broccoli: Rude.

Tiktok: On my way.

Rät but make it bird: Do we really need to do this.

Copy Paste: Yes!

Smol Broccoli: Wait...

Smol Broccoli has banned Japanese Snow White from this chat for 1 hour.

Smol Broccoli: We need to protect the purest soul in this chat. Sato can you explain it to him?

Cake for y'all: Yes.

Smol Broccoli: Thank you. Keigo, you may proceed.

Rät but make it bird: *sigh*
You only like when we hook up in bathroom stalls.

S.L.U.T: Way to start, and that comes from me.

Secret Love Child: Well, you only like when I'm pinned against your bedroom wall.

Loud dad: Shouta decided that Hitoshi is too young to read this and is chasing him around the house, trying to take his phone.

Secret Love Child: And honestly,

Secret Grandchild: Yeah honestly

Secret Love Child: That's fine.

Hugs for Y'all: I already have taken Eijiro's phone. About Tamaki... I'm not going to pretend I don't know what he does with Mirio.

Moon: //////

Sun: I think you broke him.

Secret Love Child: Yeah, honestly,
No, I don't really mind

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