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I turned back again, and this time I CAUGHT THE DAMN PERSON which was....


He instantly looked away and then looked back and made some cute expressions as an excuse which made me chuckle, but suddenly

"mA'aM y/n IsNt't pAyInG aTtEnTion In ClAsS" said that mother fcking idiot.

Ohhhhh rightttt, I introduced Kai and Lisa and all those idiots but I forgot to forget the biggest idiot in the whole world (actually she's worse than Kai).

                                          Jennie Kim

My biggest enemy, I don't have any words to describe her...

Rude? nosey? bitchy? flexing 24/7? Witch?

Yeah that's her

I kinda have a long history with her but that's not important right now, what's important it that this bitch is gonna make me end up in detention-

"I saw her laughing and giggling with her friends"

"Is that so Y/n?" my teacher asked me, glaring at me

"No ma'am, I wasn't, I swear" I replied hesitantly "Jennie must have heard someone else"

"Hmmm is tha-" our teacher was cut when Jungkook said

"Umm miss, I am sure that wasn't y/n" the entire class's attention was on Jungkook, even that nasty Jennie's eyes were on him, and I knew exactly what she was thinking...

"Do I know you?"

"I am Jungkook, I am new here"

The teacher's expression turned into a surprised one and said, "oh yes! You are Jeon Jungkook! I am so sorry I forgot to introduce you to the class"

The teacher gestured Jungkook to come forward, and Jungkook stood up and went in front.

"Introduce yourself," the teacher said

"Hi! I am Jungkook, Hope you take care of me" he said nervously and then went back to his seat

"Yes good... so we were learning" the teacher continued, she actually forgot about that laughing thing which is good because I won't have to be in detentio-

"Ma'am what about y/n?!" said that bitchy idiot.

"Oh let's leave that Jennie, anyways she got good grades in her exam, so I'll leave her for now."

Leave her for now? I didn't even do anything! Ugh nevermind

The bell rang which means we had a 10 min break so everyone left class. I was waiting by the door for Jungkook so that we go together.

"Hey, let's go!" Jungkook said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Huh? Yeah sorry"

We were going to our lockers when Jennie suddenly came in front of us...

"Hi, Jungkook..." Jennie said seductively biting her lips, "Ummm hi...Jennie?" he said looking a bit confused "do you need anything?"

"Oh yeah can I have your phone number maybe we can go out or something, you know..." she said trying to convince Jungkook?

Obviously, I couldn't bear this so I said

"No! Jungkook is busy and you mind your own business," I said shooting her a glare.

"Come on Jungkook..."

I was about to leave when Jennie said

"Just stay out of this y/n, it's between me and Jungkook" with that she just held Jungkook's hand and said,

"Look Jungkook, y/n is a very bad person, she is just going to use you, trust me..."

After she completed Jungkook just yanked her hand away and gave a pretty savage answer,

"I know who to be with and who not to" with that he just held my hand, took a 180-degree turn, and left.

This was the best because he just roasted the school's most popular, rich, rude, idiotic person and I loved it!

But again-

Why the fcking universeeeeee??? Why meee? Why such torture?!!!

Kai entered the scene....

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