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I went inside my room and closed the door shut. It was a lot of pressure for me, having a perfect body for my mom, being perfect in studies for my dad, being bullied by Jennie, being annoyed by Kai, I just- couldn't handle it!

I inhaled and exhaled, inhaled, exhaled... Trying to get all that pressure out.

I was in depression, every day was a war for me. I was this very hyper person from outside but inside I was all broken up. There were times I decided I just wanted to quit and just get out of this world, but there was this small ray of hope inside me, my instincts stopped me, something was saying that something very good is gonna happen to me. Till now, it's the same, getting abused and all that shit.

I had a little faith in myself, but I was still very broken.

"It's okay Y/N, you can do it, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry," I said to myself.

"I won't cry, I am strong, yes I can do it!"

I was actually a little thankful to my parents, they gave me education, food, clothes, but I will never forgive them that they abuse me every day.

At least they let me survive...

I never told anyone about me being abused or depressed, not even Lisa. I thought they won't believe me or they won't even care, so I kept it all to myself.

A few days passed, getting hit by parents every day, crying to sleep every night...but let's look at the bright side, I and Jungkook became close. We hung out a LOT in school, and guess what, we were very similar. We had the same likes and dislikes. We understood each other well.

Jungkook became the school's heartthrob in a few days, his looks attracted girls all around the school.

But at the same time, my depression became worse every day, I was getting hit by my parents a lot, because of Jennie, she didn't like me being with Jungkook a lot, so she would go and complain that I am bullying her. I just felt like giving up sometimes.

"Hey Y/n, I was thinking why not you come over to my house, I mean if you want to..." Jungkook asked while we were walking home, "Umm, actually I will have to ask my parents, they are kinda protective you know" I replied

Protective? pRoTeCtIvE my ass

"Oh ok, I'll come to your house, you can ask your parents and then we can leave together to my house if that's fine?" he asked.

My house, he can't come to my house, my parents, they will-

"Umm no it's not fine" I randomly blurted out, "huh?"

"I mean, it's fine but umm a-actually- umm" I was literally stuttering, "y/n if you don't want to come it's fine, I don't mind-" he said when I cut him off, "No no it's fine, I'll come"

We reached my home and I asked Jungkook to stay outside my house because if he came inside, he'll get into trouble.

"Umm Jungkook, can you please stay outside, if you don't mind, please," I asked him politely showing my puppy eyes. "Umm okay, ahh don't use those puppy eyes, you look too cute." He said chuckling while putting his hand in front of his eyes.

Cute? CUTE?!! Did he say CUTE?!!!!!! AHHHHHHH

My stomach was filled with butterflies.

"Hehe thanks, I'll come back, just wait" with that I went inside my house.

"Umm, dad, please please can I go to Jungkook's house for today, please, I promise I will come back fast," I asked my dad hoping nothing bad will happen.

"What did you say- Jungkook's house?! And why is that so?" He asked while reading his newspaper. "Ummm, to- umm to... study...Yeah we have to study so we thought why not study at his house..." I lied, for the second (I don't remember the first) time in my entire life I lied to my parents. Why was that so, was it because of Jungkook, I lied so that I could hang out with Jungkook...did I perhaps have feelings for him? But I didn't have time to think of that right now.

"Study? Did you just lie to me?!!" He raised his voice at me. "You idiot can't even get good marks in maths and you want to study?!!"

"But dad I got the highest in class for maths..." I said defending myself.

"Did you just talk back to me?! Huh?!!!" He said and his hand landed on my cheek.

"Ouch!" I shouted in pain, the slap was very hard. "Will you talk back to me again!!??" He shouted again.


"This idiot-" and he again hit me, but this time on my stomach.

"Ahhh, dad please stop, I am sorry," I said as shouting in pain.


Someone suddenly called, as I look up to see...

" Jungkook? "

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