15• The Spear And The Shield⚔

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Once when The King Akbar
Had a special visitor who made,
Strong spear and shield like
Strongest metal and sharpest blade.

He claimed, "Your Majesty, I can
Make spears that can pierce,
Anything coming in its way
It is something that everyone fears."

"And I can prepare shields that
Can never break apart,
Nothing can pierce my shields
This is my master art."

But Birbal said, "I think,
My friend, I can prove you wrong.
To me your spears and shields
Does not seem that strong."

"No, that's impossible Huzoor,
How can you prove it?"
"Take out a shield and I will use,
A spear of your's that I feel fit."

"If your spear pierce the shield
So your second claim will fail.
And if it can not then that means
Your first statement was a false tale."

So that's how 'The Clever Birbal'
Proved himself the smartest of all,
And with his great skills, he won
The hearts of the crowd in the hall.


Poet's Note

Hey reader,
What a clever mind this Birbal has. I really loved his tricky answers in my childhood. What about you?

Vote my ballad if it deserves that and give me your feedback in the comments below.


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