36• The New Moon🌙🌛

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Once when The King Akbar
Heard from others who said,
"Birbal praised The King of Afghan."
With anger, Akbar was fed.

Akbar in the next court inquired,
"Birbal I somewhere heard
You praised The King of Afghan."
To listen properly people gathered.

"Yes Jahanpannah I did it very well
And said that he's the 'full moon',
While you are 'new moon' in the sky."
Akbar was going to explode soon.

"How dare you to say that I'm new
While he is the shining 'full moon'."
"My Lord, you should listen to me."
But he was full of anger like a balloon.

"Jahanpannah what I said
You didn't decode it rightly, I think,
A full moon shines just one night and
Decreases to the 'no moon' in a blink."

"But a 'new moon' shines for a week
And to a 'full moon,' it expands,
Your Majesty, I said that your power
Are increasing to the foreign lands.

"Now you can conclude
Who better did you find?
The 'new moon' or the 'full moon'
It was this way in my mind."

So that's how 'The Clever Birbal'
Proved himself the smartest of all,
And with his great skills, he won
The hearts of the crowd in the hall.


Hey Readers,

I wish you all to become my new moon and grow forever.

Will you be able to do that favour?

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