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It's been a week that we're like this.

Taehyung is clearly avoiding me.

All he did was left notes and then leave for the city every day. He only comeback in the evening.

Every time I try to reach out and ask him what's wrong, he will say let's talk tomorrow.

He is tired.

"If you can't be happy in the city, you can be happy here now"


I'm not happy.


It's a new day. It's raining hard today. So, he didn't go to the city or leave home at all.

After breakfast, he has been in his room since. 

I decide to walk to his room and give a knock on his door.

No response.

Is he sleeping? I hope he is sleeping, I don't want to think that he is still ignoring me.

The sounds of rain pouring make the situation even worse to me.

I can feel my eyes warming up by my tears. I try to take a long deep breath. 

This is suffocating.

I walk away from his door and exit the house. 

I grab an umbrella nearby the entrance and open it up. It's raining, but I wanted to get out of here.

Should I walk to the town though?

I walk to the gate and open it up. It is more chilly outside. 

I close the gate as I decide to walk to the town to clear my head from thinking about him.

The road was a bit slippery. The rain is even pouring harder.

Should I head back? The wind is going to damage the umbrella if I keep ongoing.

I decide to run back, forgetting the road is slippery. 

So, guess what?

Yes, I end up slipping and fall down hard. I wince in pain, I look down at my knees and see it is both bleedings.

The umbrella is flying away, I try to stand up and go to catch the umbrella that is now flying to the grass path. 

As I take some steps, the pain is worsening. I drop myself on the grass.

I can feel my eyes is getting warmer and warmer.

My tears are falling down, I can't stop it anymore.

Taehyung keeps running around my mind. His smiles and his grumpy face. 

I hate it even more that even like this, I still think about him. 

It's his fault that I am sitting here crying, right? (A/N: No, just me wanting to drown you in rain. Sorry-)

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