get me out of my mind

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Trapped in a wrecked cell
holding in but wanted it to tell
trying so hard not to sob
same old, same old, i am still tired

Having a war in my mind
Is tough for its eating me alive
my trauma is taking over me
and i can't resist—even my body

No hand is capable of helping
my whole system is grieving
into something i'm sure
there's no exit door

i want to escape
but it just retrograde
it doesn't leave just beacsue i did
there's nothing for me to bid

i cannot find my own self
and i guess i'll never will
i don't know anymore
where to go, where to hide

afraid to get used to this
and one day, i'll miss
everything that i am seeing
and leave them crying

please don't look at me
i am disgusted to even see
my own reflection being in vain
for i'll never be the same again

-begging you not to leave me

Trapped within these shattered walls, a decrepit cell that mirrors the turmoil within. I clutch my secrets close, yearning to release the torrent of emotions I've concealed for far too long. My heart strains, trying to stifle sobs that threaten to echo through the desolation, but alas, I am weary, eternally weary.

Within the chambers of my mind, an unrelenting war rages, a devouring beast that feasts upon my very soul. My trauma, an insidious specter, tightens its grip, and I, a helpless prisoner, can do naught but yield – even my own flesh and bones succumb.

No outstretched hand can rescue me from this abyss; my entire being mourns a life lost to the shadows. A glimmer of hope flickers, but it is a false beacon, leading only to more despair, for there exists no escape route in this torturous labyrinth.

I yearn to break free, to transcend this relentless regression, but my yearning is in vain. The affliction I bear clings like a relentless parasite, refusing to release its grip, tormenting me with memories and pain.

My identity has become an enigma, lost in the swirling maelstrom of my psyche. I wander aimlessly, my path obscured, my sanctuary vanished. I'm frightened of growing accustomed to this anguish, for one day, I'll mourn the loss of all I witness now, leaving nothing but tear-stained memories.

I beg you, avert your gaze, for I am repulsed by the reflection that meets my eyes. In my desolation, I've become a hollow vessel, forever altered, never to return to the semblance of normalcy. Please, do not abandon me in this abyss, for I am pleading with the universe, praying for salvation, a shred of solace, a glimpse of the self I once knew.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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