Forgetting Means Remembering You

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I should forget you.

But how come that I still remember your number, the smell of your perfume, the food you like, your shoe size, the taste of your lips, the books you love reading, the tv shows that made you sleep so late, how your eyes would twinkle everytime you see what you love - when you're with me, when your lips curled up when you are smiling, the places we celebrated our anniversaries, the first time you kissed me under the millions stars, your unkept promises, your flaws that made me fall for you like crazy, the way you whisper I love you, the moment you become cold as ice,  the time when you chose someone over me, when you told me you're already tired, when you saw my eyes glistened with tears but you didn't do anything, when I pleaded you to stay but you still leave me, the way you brought me pain and all the things that I need to forget about you?

How come I still love you?

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