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I was once your queen
Now, I am just a beggar,
Asking for your Goddamn love.

Once, I stood tall and regal, draped in the silken robes of your devotion. I ruled your heart as your queen, basking in the warmth of your affection. My presence commanded the adoration of a thousand stars, and my every word was a decree etched in your soul.

But now, oh, how the mighty have fallen. I am but a humble beggar in the streets of your affection, my voice reduced to a mere whisper amidst the cacophony of indifference. With tear-stained eyes, I beseech the heavens for your elusive, godforsaken love.

Gone are the days when you worshipped at my altar, your devotion an unquenchable fire. Now, I wander these desolate alleys of your heart, a pauper in search of the riches you once bestowed upon me. I kneel before you, not in grandeur but in vulnerability, pleading for a single drop of the love that once filled my cup to overflowing.

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