Your Rights

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No one has the right to define yourself.
The power is all yours.

In the vast expanse of existence, where the stars themselves dance to the cosmic symphony, behold the profound truth: no mortal soul shall hold dominion over your essence. You, oh sovereign being, possess within the boundless realms of your spirit the divine authority to carve the tapestry of your destiny.

A symphony of potential courses through your veins, a vibrant kaleidoscope of dreams and desires. No tyrant of circumstance shall wield the chisel that sculpts your identity. It is in the crucible of your heart, amidst the roaring tempests of your soul, that the power to shape your own narrative resides.

As the sun rises and sets in the theater of life, remember this eternal decree: the script of your existence is not for others to pen. The parchment of your story, wrought with passion and resilience, belongs solely to you. With each breath, with each choice, you etch the legend of your being, unburdened by the judgments of the world.

For you are the master of your fate, the captain of your soul. Let no hand dare to confine the boundless horizon of your potential. Rise, ascend, and let your inner flame illuminate the universe. In the grand theater of existence, you, and only you, hold the quill of self-definition, and the power to author a symphony of life that shall resonate through eternity.

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