A Difficult Chose

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I woke up around 9PM because my phone was ringing. I looked at it and to my surprise, it was Nathan. I answered and still kind of sleepy said 


" Finally! I woke you up!"

"Yeah, thanks a lot." I laughed

"You sound so cute when you're sleepy." I was confused, but I couldn't help but blush.

"What"s up?" I asked. 

" Nothing I was high, and I felt like I was going to be in my feelings. So I called you to keep me company."

We talked for hours, and he would flirt with me, but I would ignore it or not change the subject.  Eventually we got around to the top the topic of what happened between us. I told him how I felt like he was ignoring me, and he agreed that he was. He told me that he hates getting close to people because of how many people he has lost in his life. I understood what he meant. He went on to say that he messed up, and he would call me every night. I wanted to believe him, but I didn't put much faith in Nathan's promises.

Eventually, I built up the nerve to ask him the big question that was bothering me. 

"Where you talking to other girls when you were talking to me?"

"No, of course not."

I wanted to believe him, but I also wanted to believe Jack. The problem was I couldn't tell who was telling the truth and who was lying. Did Jack tell me that Nathan was talking to other girls just to get me to start talking to him? Or was Nathan lying to save his ass?"

I eventually fell asleep on the phone, and when I woke up Nathan had hung up. I wasn't surprised. I would have hung up if he had fallen asleep.

I woke up the next morning. It was Thanksgiving, and I was going to dinner at a rich person's house. I checked my phone, and i had texts from Nathan and Jack. My stomach sank. I realized I had a decision to make, and it wasn't going to be easy. Jade woke up and I talked to her about all that had happened, and we both agreed I had to find out who was lying, and who ever the one telling the truth was I would choose. 

After being dropped off at my house I put on some music, and texted Jack. 



'Guess who called me last night?'



'What did yall talk about'

'We talked about what happened between me and him... I asked if he was talking to other girls, and he said no...'

'What!? Did you tell him I told you that???'

'No! Of course I didn't'

'Listen, if you want to get back with him I understand. You were talking to him first.'

'I know but I like you, and I just don't know what to do... Was he really talking to other girls?'

'Nigga, yes I wouldn't lie to you'

My phone buzzed again. I got a text from Nathan.

'Hey do you want to come over tonight'

' I can't it's Thanksgiving I'm going to a dinner at a rich persons house' I replied

'Aw, wish you could come. Jack and I are goin top get high as fuck!'

'Hahaha sorry I can't' and thank god I couldn't. That would be awkward.

I went to the dinner and the house was HUGE! The girls bedroom was two stories, the living room ceiling was a giant window, and the guest house/ pool house was bigger than my dad's and mom's houses put together! My cousins kept handing me glasses of wine, and when my Mawmaw saw she almost had a coronary, but then she smiled and said, "Well I rather yous tart drinking at home." She walked away and my cousins and I busted out laughing. If only she knew. 

For dinner I sat next to my cousins boyfriend Joe. He is my favorite person to talk to at family gatherings mainly because he includes me in the conversation. A lot of times I feel like a misfit around my family. They are all rich upper class conservatives, and I am part of a lower middle class hippie kind of family. That is one of the reasons why my dad doesn't go the family gatherings anymore. I wish he did.

The funniest part of the night to me though was the fact that both Jack and Nathan were both texting me from the same room together, and I don't think either of them had a clue. I felt bad about texting them both, but I needed to feel out which one was lying and which one wasn't, and I would have to choose.

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