Kiss and Make Up

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It is Black Friday. Normally I avoid the mall like the plague on Black Friday because I don't want to be trampled over a pair of shoes, but Jennifer wanted to go so I went with her. Jack had asked me to go to a movies with him, and I really anted to, but because I was with Jennifer and had no ride. 

We both realized that the mall was just total hell and left as soon as possible. On the way home Jennifer asked me if Nathan could come over so we could smoke. I wasn't going to protest. I was up for smoking and Nathan and I were alright again.

When Nathan came over, we smoked, and then retreated to Jennifer's living room. Nathan was sitting across the room from me, and ignoring me. I was confused. He talked all about how he was going to be different. hen he said different, I assumed he meant different like better not different like worse. It pissed me off. I just sat on the couch and went on Instagram. I looked at Jennifer, and she knew something was wrong. She mouthed, "What's wrong?" I pointed at Nathan. 

My phone had died so I went to Jennifer's room and plugged it in, and when I came back I heard Nathan and Jennifer talking. 

"Why are you ignoring Christine?" Jennifer said.

"She doesn't need me she is texting some other guy. I saw it on her. If she doesn't need me I don't need her."

I hate myself for this but I couldn't help but cry. I am such a big baby. I ran to the bathroom. They noticed me and they knew I heard. I could still hear Jennifer telling Nathan, " What are you doing? Go comfort her!" He argued for a while and slowly I heard him walk up the door. He opened it. Why didn't I lock it?!?

He walks in I did my bets to not look like a total mess. He looked into my eyes and leaned in to try to kiss me. That pissed me off. I pushed him away, and said, "YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST KISS ME AND THIS WILL ALL GO AWAY AND BE BETTER!?"  "Christine, I'm sorry. I saw you texting another guy, and if you weren't going to be serious about this, I wasn't going to waste my time." I looked at him, "Obviously I'm serious. If I wasn't I wouldn't even give you the time of day." I replied, "But what is going to stop you from just shutting me out again?" He grabbed my hand and said, "You see how perfectly our hands fit together. I'm going to stay this time I promise." 

Wow that was super corny but like always i fell for it. We came out the bathroom and Jenna had retreated to her room and had fallen asleep. Nathan and I watched Pokemon until we both fell asleep.

I guess my decision was made.

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