Halloween Part Two- It's all turned into a blur

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After my terrifying confrontation, I went into the Nathan's back house that everyone called 'the shed'. I walked into a beer pong match, said hi to most of the people in the room, And then sat down on the bed next to the stoners. I always seem to gravitate towards them.

My friend Dominic turned to me and asked if I wanted to take a shot with him. I happily agreed and took the shot feeling it burn down my throat.

I turned to Nathan, who was taking hits from his bong and politely asked if I could have a hit. He put his hand out asking for money. I gave him the 10 dollars that is the usual charge for drinking and smoking at the parties, and he passed me the bong, got up, and told his friend to keep an eye on his bong. His friend sat down next to me and smiled,

"Hey, what's your name?"

"Christine." I said with a smile, "What's yours?"


"Can you light it for me. I always burn myself when I light it."

He smiled and lit it. After sharing several hits with Travis, Nathan walked back up and asked for a hit. At first I was reluctant to give him the bong, but then he reminded it me that it was his bong. So I handed it to him and said, "Thank you for letting me use it." He looked at me kind of surprised and said with a smile' "You're welcome."

I started to feel a little sleepy so I laid back against Travis and watched the beer pong game. The next thing I knew Travis was practically on top of me kissing me. I didn't try to fight it. I didn't really care I mean it was just kissing. He looked at me and said, "Do you want to go to the kitchen?" I was kind of confused, but I agreed and got up. That was a BIG mistake. My stomach literally did a back flip, and I felt like shit, but I went with him anyway. The kitchen had a glass wall with a clear veiw to the back yard. Travis was talking to several people. I didn't really pay much attention to whom he was talking or what they were talking about. Then I noticed Alex and Samantha in the corner talking very closely. Wow moving on the Jennifers guy, classy....

Lance walked up behind me and asked me to got he bathroom with him because he didnt want to go alone. I agreed. When we came out of the bathroom Smantha looked at me with daggers, and she said in a very sassy voice, "Did y'all have fun?" I didn't understand what she meant. I mean nothing happened he peed, and I fixed my makeup in the mirror. Before I could say that nothing happened, Lance yelled, "YESS!" I looked at him in shock what the fuck was he doing? Why did he say that? Was he trying to get her to kill me?

I walked back to Travis took the shot of Bourbon from his hand and downed it. Again another BIG mistake. I told Travis I needed to sit down, and we walked over to the bar, and I sat down on a bar stool. I complimented people on their costumes and how good their makeup looked. Then all of a sudden like a fraight train it hit me. I was going to throwup. I told Travis, and we rushed to the bathroom. Travis banged on the door, and Nathan and Sandra walked out looking a little pissed that we interupted. But hey would he rather I throw up all over the floor. I went straight for the toilet and puked my guts out. Ew, I hate puking. I told Travis I was sorry, and he said it was fine walked me back to the kitchen and got me some water. I sat down at the bar next to Nathan.
Then all of a sudden I hear yelling from outside. It was Samantha. I could barely pick my head up of the bar to turn and look. Samantha was yelling at Jennifer. Jennifer looked cool and collected with a smirk on her face. She was probably being so sarcastic. Then all of a sudden Samntha knocked the drink out of Jennifer's hand. I tried my hardest to get up, but my legs wouldn't work. Then this girl I didn't recognized jumped on Samantha and started wailing on her. Oh my God. I couldn't beleive what I was seeing. Sandra tried to break it up, but Samantha punched her in the face. Sandra looked shocked and yelled, "YOU CAN WALK HOME, BITCH!" and walked away. I coudn't tell if she was crying or not. I would have if my best friend punched me in the face.

My friend Charles tapped me on the shoulder, "Hey, do you wanna come with me to get some Taco Bell? You look like you need to get out of here for a bit." I agreed. I have known him since we were little because he lived down the street from my cousin, and maybe getting some fresh air would be a good thing. He had to help me walk. It was pretty embarassing. I don't even remember getting into the car, but I'm sure I had a hard time. We were almost at Taco Bell and chatting about my cousin when all of a sudden it hit me again I was going to throw up. I tried to hold it in, but finally I asked calmly,

"Do you have a plastic bag or something?"

"No? Why?"

"I think I am going to puke."

"Can you hold it till I can pull over?"

"What do you think I have been trying to do?!"

"Shit!" He looked panicked "Puke out the window! Not in my car"

I rolled the window down. I could feel the puke rising in my throat. The window took FOREVER to roll down, but when it finally was down enough I puked at the red light in the middle of the highway. He finally was able to pull into a parking lot, and we got out and I threw up again. Why in the world did I drink so much???? When I was starting to feel a little less nauseous, I got back in the car, and we drove across the street to Taco Bell. While waiting in the drive through line, I felt puke coming up my throat again and threw up out the window, again. Charles was trying to block me from the view of the lady at the window, and then he handed me a water. I took a small sip not wanting to upset my stomach. He got the food and pulled out the parking lot, and we headed back to the party.

"I'm really sorry I thew up on the side of your truck." I said. I felt so embarrassed.

"It's fine. You can make it up to me by kissing me."

I looked at him confused and a bit disgusted, "Uh, no.."

He laughed, "I'm just playing I don't kiss girls who just puked anyway."

When we got back to the party, I stumbled out of the truck, staggered to the bar, and sat down again. Nathan was still sitting in the chair next to me except now his shirt was gone. I don't know when that heppened, but I didn't really care enough to ask. The party went on I was practically passed out. When Nathan looked at me and said, "Hey, you seem really chill can I have your number?" 'Chill'? More like half dead I thought to myself. It took me like 10 minutes to remember my number, but finally I gave him the corret number. Parker walked up and told me we were leaving soon and left to find Jennifer and Jade. I tried to get up, but I was having trouble walking again. I told Nathan, and Parker and he helped me walk to the car. "I'm really glad Samantha didn't kill me." I accidentally said. They both laughed, "We are too."

Jennifers mom just looked at me, laughed, and said, "Christine, get your drunk ass in the car." I love Jennifers mom.

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