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Rebecca continued to ignore me and avoid eye contact with me.

I was finding myself more and more hanging out with Jennifer which was weird because at first I didn't really get along with Jennifer as well as the others did. I more just hung out with her because Rebecca and Jade wanted to. Jennifer had a reputation. Mainly because she had been going to this school so long so a lot of people knew a lot of things about her. No one really messed with her though becuase her brother, Parker, practically rules the school. He is a senior, throws good parties, and is easy to get along with. No one wanted to get on his bad side. The more I hung out with Jennifer the more I realized that she knew what I was going through. Considering no one in our grade really wanted to hang out with her or invite her many places.

The one problem with Jennifer was her toxic, on and off relationship with her boyfriend, Alex. They had both cheated on each other, and they would break up often. Then say they couldn't live with out eachother and get back together. When Alex wasn't happy or if he was mad at her, Jennifer would be in a bad mood, lash out, punch things, and just generally be self destructive.

I could also tell that on a certain level she was being fake to me. When I would tell her my problems she would either ignore them, or change the subject to something she wanted to talk about. Now don't get me wrong she is great in an urgent situation, but otherwise she could care less.

I remember Rebecca only really wanting to be friends with Jennifer so that she could get invtied to Parker's parties. Shane didn't like going to Parker's parties so Rebecca's obsession with Jennifer soon ended, and she moved on to her new "BFFs", Catherine and Emma. Of course Jade was still part of her group, but I had a feeling that Jade was going to end up cut out of Rebecca's life too.

I felt bad about how Jade has such blind faith in Rebecca. See one thing about me is that I am going to be honest with you. If you ask me if your dress makes you look fat, and I think it makes you look fat I will tell you. Jade is very self conscious, but when ever she asked Rebecca, "Does my makeup look caked up?" or, "Do my eyebrows look drawn on?" Rebecca would always reply "No, you look good!" Sometimes, Jade admitted to me, that she would make sure she would look horrible then ask Rebecca just to see if Rebecca would lie, and of course Rebecca usually did. Now normally that's fine to tell little white lies about things like that, but Rebecca and Jade had been friends for 9 years, and I don't know about anyone else, but I would want my best friend of 9 years to be honest to me when I ask how I look.

But even with Rebecca ignoring me I had a few other friends that I hung out with for that week of avoiding Samantha. I couldn't avoid her in PE though when we played dodgeball and she would always aim for me and throw as hard as she could, and believe me Samantha has the strength of a 25 year old man. She also liked aiming for my head, even though the rule was no head shots, and for my stomach. For the next week or so I ended my school day either with the wind knocked out of me, or feeling like I had a concussion.

"I wonder how long she is going to target me." I said to Jennifer.

"Eh, when she gets bored, she will move on to someone else to focus her anger on."

"I sure hope so."

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