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I woke up with a raging head ache and wearing a jacket with a name tag saying "Hi my name is Nathan! Welcome to Reggies!" Reggies was a local grocery store. I don't remember putting this on. I checked my phone I had a couple texts from some friends, my parents asking if I was okay, and a text frokm a random number

'Hey its Nathan'

I was surprised. I didn't think he was actually going to text me. I replied,

'What's up?'

'Nothing much, about to play ultimate Frisbee.

'Cool. Do you want your jacket back?'

'Nah you can keep it (: Do you want to hang out and smoke later today?'

I was a bit surprised, but sure why not?

'Yeah, but I'm at Jennifer's house right now'

'K, cool I'll just come over, and we can all chill (:'

'Okay see you then'

Jade left , and Jennifer was happy to have Nathan over. she wanted to smoke

around 5 Nathan came over, and we smoked in the shed for like an hour or two. Then we went inside in search of food. We had major munchies. Thank God Halloween was yesterday cause there was so much candy. We ended up having a war and throwing the candy at each other. I was the 'champion' because I threw like 7 M&Ms in Nathan's mouth in a row.

Parker walked in. I don't know where he went he looked at Jennifer and said, "Are you and Christine going to dinner at dads?" Jennifer said, "No, I don't feel like it." Parker turned to Nathan "Do you wanna come?" Nathan smiled and said, "Sure." "Alright, I have to run to the store real quick, and when I get back we'll go." I didn't want Nathan to go. I was having fun hanging out with him. Nathan was getting his stuff together, and then he asked me if I wanted to go outside with him so he could smoke a cigarette. Ew, I hate cigarettes, but I agreed. When we got outside we sat in some chairs and talked about our favourite colors, animals, sports, and food. They were all the same! We even both like Pokemon, and yes I know what you are thinking Pokemon? really Christine? Thats weird. But hey I grew up with a big brother who loved Pokemon, and they are cute!

I was messing with my hair when he asked if he could braid it. I was a little surprised that he could braid. After he finished braiding my hair, and it actually came out pretty good, we went inside. Parker wasn't back yet so we sat on the couch with Jennifer and watched TV. She was watching Vampire Diaries. Nathan looked down at his phone and said," Parker's back I got to go." I got up and hugged him, and he started to walk away, but at the last second turned back around and said, "but not before I do this." He grabbed my waste pulled me in close and kissed me. It was magical. I had never had a guy kiss me like that before. It was perfect. After he left, Jennifer turned to me and squealed,

"OMG THAT WAS SO FUCKING CUTE!!!! He likes you, Christine! I can tell!"

I shook my head, No he doesn't. He's a player he just wants to hook up with me probably."

"No, Christine, I have known him for five years, and he only never acts like that around girls unless he actually likes them."

I couldn't help but smile. I was excited, and as far as far as I can tell I'm starting to like him too. My phone buzzed, and I smiled again it was Nathan.


'What's up'

'Nothing much. It's pretty boring here I wished I had just stayed with y'all.'

'Why is that?'

'Because I want to be with you(:"

I couldn't help but blush that was to cute.

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