Where it all began

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I came into my new school with great expectations for the year. I had already made friends over the summer, Rebecca and Jade. They were my best friends. They were friends before I had met them, and it was obvious that Rebecca was the leader of there friendship. Jade was always looking for her approval. I had been introduced to them by my friend Shane. Shane and I were really close, and he was suppose to help me get through the first couple months of school, but that all changed when Rebecca and he started dating. You see it wasn't all bad when at first I had a boyfriend too, but when that blew up in my face, I was stuck fifth wheeling with Shane, Rebecca, Jade, and her boyfriend Brenden. It also didn't help that when Shane gets a girlfriend, he basically cuts everybody else off. So I was always fifth wheeling no matter what I did.

Sure, I had crushes, people I "talked" too (which is todays retarded way of saying dating, but nothing official), and yes, I will admit I had one or two hookups. But, always being stuck between wanting to be single and not wanting to be a third wheel sucked.

But wait it gets better.

Rebecca my so called best friend turned out to be what I like to call a "social climber", and if she can not find use in being friends with you anymore, she will stop being friends with you. We soon stopped being friends. You see I went to a party at my friend Jennifer's house, and I ended up doing what usually happens to teenagers when they drink to much. YUP! You guessed it I hooked up with this guy named Lance. Now you see his girl friend, Samantha, and he were broken up at the time, but they later got back together, and that created hell for me.

Samantha was a senior and had basically dated or hooked up with almost every guy at my school, and I heard she cheated on most of them while dating them. One thing about Samantha was that she kind of was scary. She prided herself on being able to beat the shit out of people which I never quite understood. She normally picked under class men who were a lot smaller than her. I guess that was just a trait I never really thought was attractive or wanted to have. I grew up in a hippie, very peacey family and fighting was something I just didn't like or want to do. When Lance asked me to keep what happened a secret, I agreed, but knowing how small of a school I go to it only took about a week for her to find out.

I walked into my US History class it was an average Tuesday, I was talking with Rebecca. She of course was being stand offish like she had been all week ever since she had hung out with Catherine and Emma. Then Lance walks in talking with one of his friends. We hadn't talked since the party trying to avoid any suspicion to why all of a sudden we became friends. He looked straight at me and said,

"You better watch out. she's going to kill you."

"Wait she knows?!?!?"

He just shook his head yes and the bell rang for class to begin before I could ask anymore questions. After sitting through a boring lecture that I was not able to focus on at all, the bell rang, and everyone started to pack up and leave. I turned to Lance "How did she find out?!?" He looked at me and smiled, "Oh, I told her when we were fighting. I wanted to piss her off ''

Now I knew she would find out sooner or later, but the fact that he just didn't care that now Samantha was going to beat the shit out of me, or at least try to, and he didn't keep his mouth shut when I kept my mouth shut when he asked me to.

I avoided Samantha for most of the day, but I knew I couldn't keep it up forever. Remember I go to a very small school, and her and I had PE together last period. Oh joy.

Like I predicted at lunch she saw me in the hall. We walked passed each other with out saying a word. Then at the last second she turned and yelled "I KNOW YOU HOOKED UP WITH LANCE, CHRISTINE! BE SCARED! I just kept walking like I didn't hear her, but as soon as I got out of her sight and into the stairwell I started to shake. I was scared.

I walked outside to where most of the Sophmores eat their lunch, and told Jennifer and this girl Kayley what happened. They hugged me. I turned to Rebecca, and she just looked away, and at that moment I knew I lost one of my best friends.. which meant I lost Shane too more than I already had. Oh, and lets not forget that Jade wouldn't want to get on Rebecca's bad side so there goes Jade too. This is just wonderful.

Then Samantha walked up, "Are you talking about me?!?" I calmly turned and said "No, why would I?" She turned around and walked away looking pissed. I just went inside and sat by my friend Micheal. He was always seems to be oblivious to the drama and would always try to see the good in me. It's comforting.

PE came we got the period off so I just sat alone in the locker room doing Algebra homework. People told me to come out because I looked like I was scared, and I shouldn't make Samantha feel so powerful, but I didnt care. I didn't want to be around her and my best friend who hated me so much she wouldn't even get a ride home from me anymore.

But I understand being friends with Christine. Samantha's new enemy? How would that make her look. Can't ruin her reputation by being friends with me.

And this was just the beginning.

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