Halloween Part One- It Got Intense

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Halloween is today and I'm and super excited becasue one- its my favorite holiday, and two- it is on a friday this year.

I had gotten invited to a couple things; my friend Jaimie invited me to her house with Ellen, Cade, and David, Micheal invited me to his friend's party, but it was going to be very G rated, and I felt like partying, or Jennifer invited me to go to this stoner dude named Nathan's party. I chose to go to Nathan's with Jennifer. Jade walks up to me,

"Hey what are you doing tonight?"

"Going to a party with Jennifer. What about you?"

"Can Brenden and I come with y'all?"

I looked at her a bit suprised, "Yeah I'm sure that fine. I'm Surprised you aren't doing anything with Rebecca and Shane."

She rolled her eyes " Yeah well Rebecca would much rather hang out with her new BFFs Catherine and Emma."

"You weren't invited?" I asked.

"Nope." She said popping the 'P' at the end.

Jennifer walks up, "Hey what's up guys?'

I replied, "is it all right if Brenden and Jade tag along with us to Nathan's party"

She gave probably about the same surpised face I gave and said, "Yeah thats fine, but we gotta get going my brother is waiting for us."

We got in Parker's car and went to Jennifer's house to get ready. I was being a pirate, Jennifer a vampire, and Jade well... we weren't quite sure what she was, but she had a bloody shirt and short shorts. While getting doing our hair and makeup Jennifer suddenly whiped off all her scary vampire make up. The only reason she wasn't trying to look super sexy was because she has a boyfriend and wasn't really trying to impress anyone. Jade and I exchanged confused looks,

"Why did you take all your makeup off? It was looking really good." I inquired.

" Alex wanted to break up. So I just gave him what he wanted. We are done. Now that I am single I am going to look super fucking hot, and he will regret ever wanting to break up." She replied. I could tell she trying to be as calm as possible.

"Aww, baby, I'm sorry" Jade and I said at the same time, but we knew with their off and on relationship they would end up back together.

"It's fine." She smiled. I'm surprised she didn't punch something. That was her normal reaction to anything having to do with Alex that wasn't all rainbows and daisys.

When we were finished getting ready, we ate a little and pre-gamed taking shots of different flavored vodka, and then we were on our way. Upon pulling up at the house, we were eagerly greated by Sandra, Samantha's best friend. She hugged Jennifer, "Thank God you are here all my friends are acting like complete sluts!" She looked at me and her eyes got wide. "OH MY GOD! Dude, Samantha is here, and she wants to KILL you!"

"Fuck." I said. This is just awesome.

I walked in with a lot of people having the same reaction Sandra had when she saw me.

Lance walked up to me, " Dude Samantha isn't going to lay a finger on you. I got you." follwed by a bunch of the other guys around me including Parker saying, "yeah she ain't gonna even get close to you." and "Just don't go by her." Then I heard Nathan in the background, "Shittt, man, why ya'll gotta bring all the drama to my house." I couldn't help but laugh.

Then out Samantha walked from the little back house that Nathan lived in away from his dad. She looked pissed. Sandra grabbed Samantha and talked to her loud enough that I could here it.

"Samantha, just drop it. Do not touch Christine or I'm not giving you a ride, and you can walk home."

"Fine. I want to talk to her though."

Sandra looked reluctantly at Samantha then at me then back at Samantha, "Okay but I am standing between y'all, okay?"

Samantha looked pissed but said, "okay"

They started walking over to me. Oh my God I think I'm going to throwup, but I kept my nausea under control. They were getting closer. Almost to me when a wall of guys was built around me. Sandra looked at them, "She just wants to talk. I will be with them." They didn't budge till finally I got up the courage to say, "It's alright guys. I will talk to her."

Samantha wanted to go in the front yard away from the party, but the guys drew the line. And thank God they did. We stepped to the side of the party, and she started in on me.

"Okay I'm not even pissed that you HOOKED UP WITH MY BOYFRIEND." 'Wrong y'all weren't together at the time' I thought in my head but didn't dare say out loud. "I mean I could give less than two fucks about him," she continued, "But the fact that you fucking broke girl code by not telling me. If you ever lie to me again, I will fucking beat the living shit out of you. Don't talk to me and don't fuck with me ever."

Between trying not to pee on myself I squeaked out an "Okay" turned and walked away. I took a deep breathe grabbed Sandra's drink of Vodka and redbull and took a huge gulp. Looked at Jennifer and Jade and said, "Lets get fucked up."

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