Chapter Two

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When the Dupree arrived in Merlin's study, the king, Merlin, and two others were waiting for her. "

MA-I mean DUPREE!!!" said the girl with short black-brown curls.

"Nice save Cae," Dupree said sarcastically. Cae rolled her chocolaty(?) eyes and hugged Dupree fiercely.

"Book and I have been so worried!!!" she cried.

"Yeah!" said the other girl, her wavy bleach blond hair done up in pigtails.

"I thought you were dead!" she said happily.

"Well I'm obviously not... Or I'm a GHOOOOOSSSSHHTTTT!!" Dupree said playfully. 

Book laughed hysterically, her sky-blue eyes shining.

"Ahem!" the king coughed.

"Oops! So sorry your highness!" Book said, and the three musketeers gave a small curtsy in their matching blue outfits. Merlin stroked his long white beard thoughtfully and said,

"Would musketeer Dupree kindly speak of what the recent developments?" he said.

"Errrrrrrrrrrr...." Dupree said nervously.

"Do you mean to say after all of the miraculous feats you have overcome, destroying the rampaging hydra, vanquishing the evil wizard Anveng-I mean thou-who-shan't-be-recongized, taming the magical horse Sapphire, you failed to accomplish this?!?!?" Merlin cried, seeming very alarmed. 

Dupree looked up at the ceiling.

"Maybe..." she said, cowering under Merlin and the king's angered gazes and dragging her gaze to the floor.

"HOW HARD IS IT TO KILL ZINKOFF!!??" they yelled at her. 

Book spoke up and said, "Perhaps you do not understand sire, you see, Zinkoff and Dupr-OWWIE!!!" She yelled when Dupree suddenly punched her in the arm. The king's focus turned to Book.

"What were you going to say?" he asked. Book looked at him nervously.

"Nothing your highness!" she said quickly.

"I don't beli-" the king said before being cut off by Merlin.

"Is there any way we can continue this conversation without your presence sire?" he asked, his gray eyes mischievous.

"Certainly not! I will get answers! I am your RULER!!" the king replied.

"That's too bad for you sire, you seem to be delirious at the current time." 

With a wave of Merlin's wand, the king vanished from the room.

"In all my 40 years of livng, he is the second most annoying person I have ever known." he said with a chuckle.

"Who's the first?" Cae asked.

"None of your buisness," Merlin said. "Shall we continue with the presence of Daniel?" Book asked.

"Yep!" said a dark voice emerging from a dark corner in study.

"Have you been there the whole time?" Dupree asked.

"Yes, and I say that this talk is going to be very interesting." Daniel said, her short red hair bobbing with each nod of her head. It was easy to mistake her for a boy. Daniel turned and looked at Dupree mischieviously.

"So," she said, smirking. "Is there anything going on with you and Allan?" 

Dupree scoffed and said, "Yeah right, he wishes!" 

"Then what about you and Zinkoff?" Daniel asked sneakily.

"I AM TRYING TO KILL HIM!!!" Dupree replied, and reddened a quite bit after that.

That Daniella was a sneaky little devil.

"Then who DO you want Dupree?" she asked.

"MOVING ON!!" Dupree yelled suddenly.

"But-" Daniel said. 

But Dupree pulled her sword from it's sheath and said, "-If you want to keep your other 17 toes, I suggest you keep your mouth shut!" She said threateningly.

"What happened to the other three?" Book asked.

"She cut them off." Said Daniel, no longer looking so smug.

"So Daniel," Merlin said, "What information have you gathered?"

"Well, unless everyone is fine with getting blown up, Zinkoff requires one of the musketeers as his bride," said Daniel said with a snort. "But he's probably really desperate if he wants you guys!" 

Book and Cae looked offended to say the least.

A frenzied look came into Dupree's eyes and she began to hack her sword repeatedly into her wooden chair.

"DUPREE!" Everyone yelled, (except for Daniel, she watched and cackled, for she knew what the others did not...) Merlin waved his wand and Dupree froze midstrike, a furious look upon her face. He calmly took her sword and walked back behind his desk. With a wave of Merlin's wand, Dupree was back in motion and her hands hit the chair at full force.

"OW!" she yelled. She looked at the chair, embarrassed, and said, " I'm really sorry about that, I was quite angry...

"That's okay. No hard feelings, I hated that chair anyways." He replied.  

"Anyways, I have come to the conclusion that Zinkoff only wants Dupree to volunteer, but I think Cae or Book should volunteer to test my theory," said Daniel. 

Dupree's face began contorting in indescribable expressions of anger, horror and something else as well. Cae and Book looked at each other nervously.

"Gem, Parchment, Shears?" Book said

"Sure." Cae replied.

"1, 2, 3!" 

Cae got parchment, Book got gem...

Hey, parchment covers gems, nothing y'all can do 'bout that.

"Yes!" Cae yelled.

"No!" yelled Book. 

Daniel grabbed Book and said, "See ya suckers!" Then disappeared with a puff of smoke.

"WHERE DID THEY GO?!" Dupree yelled.

"Calm down Dupree," Merlin said quickly. "Daniel is just taking Book to Zinkoff." 

Instead of breaking something this time, Dupree just passed out.

"MAYA!" Cae yelled and dropped on her knees near Dupree

"Maya?" Merlin asked immensely confused. "Her name is Dupree!"

Cae paid him no attention and began to slap Dupree across the face, but she was out cold. After a minute or so, Dupree began to stir, so Cae stopped smacking her. Dupree sat up and touched her hands to her cheeks.

"Why do my cheeks burn?" She asked.

"You fell on your face!" Cae said quickly.

"I had a terrible nightmare!" Dupree cried. Merlin raised an eyebrow.

"What was it about?" he asked, suspecting the answer.

"Zinkoff was back, but he wanted Cae, Book, or I as his wife, and Allan had been going through my room!!"

"All those things DID happen Dupree!" Cae said. Dupree's eye twitched and she sunk into a chair, her head in her bruised hands. She shuddered.

"Dupree," Merlin said, "It will be just fine, my brother keeps his word 50% of the time." Dupree gave him a look.

"Who's your brother?" She asked, confused

"Zinkoff." Merlin replied. 

I'm hilarious.  

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