Chapter Nine

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Dupree laid unconsious on the floor outside Merlin's study, a blot of red on her blue musketeer blouse. Allan and Zinkoff stared at her motionless body in shock. Merlin looked to Allan with fury in his stance. But before he could yell at him, Book and Cae ran Allan screaming, and began to hit him relentlessly.

"OWWWWWWW STOP!!!" he cried, trying to shield himself from their hard blows.



Allan fell unconsious.

Zinkoff was still in shock. He touched Dupree's face.

"You loved me?"

Cae and Book nodded at Zinkoff.

"She always did."

If possible, Zinkoff looked even more shocked.

"Why couldn't it be me?"

He passed out as well.

Merlin rushed to Dupree's side and felt for a pulse. He gasped.

"What?!" Book yelled.

"She's ALIVE!"

"And that's bad why?"

"NO! It's wonderful! It's just so unlikely to survive a hit from that!"

Allan began to wake up, then Lucille punched him in the face and he smiled crazily before falling back to the floor.

"I never liked that kid..." she said.

"Me neither." Rose replied.

"We're losing her!" Merlin yelled. "I need a raorb and FAST!"

Zinkoff woke up suddenly and waved his hand and he held a small black flower. Merlin grabbed it and shoved it down Dupree's throat.

"Will she live?" Zinkoff asked.

"We will see. In the meantime, we should ALL go see the king to tell him of the events that have happened here today."

Zinkoff picked Dupree up bridal-style and started towards the king's courtroom. Everyone else followed.


The king sat in the judge's seat, for he himself was trying the court for this particular case. He hit his little judge hammer thing on the podium. "ORDER IN THE COURT!" he yelled.

Rose threw Allan's limp body at the feet of the podium.

"Your son is truely a mystery-"

"MYSTERY?" Zinkoff yelled. "MORE LIKE A-" he stopped suddenly and looked down at Dupree.

Her eyes fluttered open.

"What's up Zink?"

Zinkoff's face radiated pure happiness. He wore a wide grin before he fainted and fell, taking Dupree with him.

"OUCH!" she cried. "DARNIT ZINK!"

Everyone finally realized that Dupree was alive.


"AW SHUT UP! You didn't think I was going to DIE did you?!?"

She started to slap the unconsious Zinkoff across the face. "WAKE UP YOU WUSS!"

"She's back all right!" Daniel said, suddenly appearing beside the king. He looked at her suspicously.

"Where were you?"


The king looked out at everyone.

"So...What happened?"

Everyone started speaking at onece.

The king looked around in confusion. "SILENCE!"

Everyone shut up.

"One at a time please! Merlin first."

So everybody told their version of the story, one at a time. Including Allan, who was sporting many bruises. Hearing all the stories except Zinkoff's,

"Can someone wake him up?" the king asked.

"MAYA can!" Cae said smirkingly.

"NO WAY!" Dupree said quickly. The king looked at her sternly.

"Do it, need to hear his side of the story."

Dupree blushed madly.

"Do I have to?"


Dupree sighed. She dropped to the ground beside Zinkoff. Then she grabbed his shoulders and kissed him passionatly.

The king looked surprised. "OH."

Zinkoff's eyes flew as and he pulled away and looked at her in shock. Dupree's blush worsened.

"How else was I supposed to wake you up?"

Zinkoff smirked. He leaned over and whispered in her ear. Her face was practically all red now as she slapped a triumphant looking Zinkoff across the face. They stood up.

"May we hear your side of the story Zinkoff?" the king asked.

"Why would I tell you?"

"Unless you want to be thrown in my prision, I suggest you do so."


Author's Note-HI! So, i'm writing a sequel to this story, and I am laughing evily at the cliffhangers I am coming up with! Bunch of new characters and crap. If I get 25 comments, I will give you a sneak peak of the story.

Love Ya!


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