Chapter Five

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Dupree looked at Rose and Lucille in horror.

"YES! IT IS US MAYA, MISS US ZINKOFF?" they said loudly, smirking. Dupree scrambled off the bed and backed herself against the wall oppsite the two girls.

"You CHEATED on me with those girls!!" she yelled. Zinkoff sudenly became VERY angry. "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THIS?!" he yelled back.


"NO THEY'RE NOT!!!" she replied. "

I WON'T BELIEVE YOUR LIES ANYMORE!!! THEY TOLD ME THEMSEL-" Dupree was cut off by Lucille and Rose chasing her around, 'LALALA-ing' trying to drown her out. Zinkoff tried to make them stop, but was having no luck.

"EVERYBODY FREEZE." he said with intensely. Everything in the room, excluding Zinkoff, had frozen in the action because of the magic in Zinkoff's commanding words.

He walked over to Dupree and waved a hand in front of here, so she could move once more.

[P.S. If you dislike mush, this is yor time to leave. / ( I 3 I )\]

"Maya..." he said gently, walking towards Dupree. (this isn't normal for him...)

"What did they tell you?"

Dupree looked at him, her guard crumbling.

"Wh-why should I t-t-tell you?!"

"Because I want to fix what those scum broke."

"Th-they said that you had been cheating on me with other girls, including them-"

"Don't you realize how ridiculous that sounds?" he said, incredulous.

She looked taken aback. "What?!"

"All my time was taken up spending time with you and studying!!!"

"Yeah right...studying...with other girls!"

He laughed. "Yep, because my mother is soooo threatening to our relationship! You can even ask her yourself!"

Dupree sneered at him. "What 'relationship'?"

"The one I had with you, you were my girl, and nothing will would've changed that. I want you back Maya." he replied. She began to talk back, but he cut her off.

"All I have done is been there for you, I was your shoulder to cry on, the one thing that made you laugh when no one else could, and I have liked-even LOVED you for the longer than you could ever imagine!!!"

"But at the drop of a hat, when you hear a rumor, you ran away."


Dupree began to tear up.

"Because I'm not good enough for anyone, let alone you, you are the person I deserve the least."

Zinkoff gasped in shock.

"Who told you that Maya?!?" he asked. He knew she loved herself just as much as she did her family.

"n-nobody!" she replied, a guilty look on her face.

He glared at her. She murmmured something indecipherable.

"What was that?"

"a-a-a-allan told me that..." she responded, seeming terrified.

Zinkoff gave a low, meanacing growl. He walked to the wall straight across from Dupree. He stood in front of the wall for a second, before punching the living crap out it.

I feel bad for the wall

Dupree gasped. "ZINK!"

He stopped and turned to look at Dupree.

His eyes were legit blood red.

She groaned.

"And JUST when things were going so well..." she muttered. Dupree ran to him, grabbed his shoulders and...



"So, why is Zinkoff so ticked off?" Cae asked. "That rhymed!"

"Well someone hurt Dupr-MAYA so, of course he's ticked!!!" Book replied. "And it did rhyme."

"Oh." Cae responed.

Book laughed. "WHO'S STUPID NOW?"

"You!" Cae yelled.


"SHUT UP FOR THE SAKE OD MY LIMITED SANITY!!" Merlin screamed. They shut up.

"So, since they mixed their eye colors, that means they took on a curse that would require them not to be apart for too long, or the other could die or get really-and I mean REALLY angry."

"So that's the other reason he's so upset?" Daniel asked.


"Is there anyway to reverse that?" she said.

Merlin looked at the fog and grimanced. "Like that."

"Like wha-oh........." Cae and Book asked, before they looked at the fog and saw some strange k-I MEAN NINJA-action.



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