Chapter Seven

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"Thank us for WHAT?" Dupree asked.

"My name is Raqulle,and I was trapped in the form of a phoenix." she replied.

"That doesn't answer Maya's question." Zinkoff said threateningly.

"Well, I am involved in that little 'issue' with Rose and Lucille." Raqulle replied.

"How so?" asked Zinkoff, who sounded confused. She smiled.

"You and 'Dupree's' relationship was very popular at wizarding school and-"

"How was our relationship 'popular'?" Zinkoff said. Dupree figeted.

Raqulle laughed. "Are you kidding me?" she said. "The son of Tom Marvel Dire, paired with Maya Dupree Silasi-daughter of the legendary Kellena The Magnificent, it was unheard of!!!"

Dupree's jaw dropped.

"HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU WITCH!!!!" she screamed, her eyes turning red.

"DARNIT Racoon!" Zinkoff yelled.



But what he did was far from expected.

Zinkoff grabbed Dupree by her hips and chucked her at the wall.

Raqulle gasped and tried to go to help Dupree, but Zinkoff stopped her.

"Wait..." he said.

Suddnely, right before she hit the wall, Dupree flipped and landed on the wall feet first. She ran on the walls around the room, her pace steadily increasing. She was to the point where she was just a blur.



The wall's color changed from blue to purple-blue, then Dupree flipped off the wall and landed beside Zinkoff.

"All better!" she said cheerfully, beaming at him.

Raqulle understood nothing.

"It's another way of calming down, shoe painting!" he said, seeing her face.

"Okay then..." she replied.

Zinkoff examined the walls.

"They needed to be repainted anyways..." Then, his entire demeanor changed.

"Now, give us the answers we need, unless you wish to be sent to another dimension."

"Fine," she said haughtily.

" As I was saying, for reasons I won't repeat, that you and Maya's relationship was popular, so I made a bet with Rose and Lucille."

"What was the bet?"

"I bet you two would stay together, and they bet otherwise. If I lost, I was to be a phoenix that did their will, if I won, they would admit that they were guilty and go to jail."

"What were they guilty of?"

"Can't remember."

"FINE! So, why bet in the first place?"

Raqulle hesitated.

"Well, at wizarding school, I was found to be very good at everything love related.

"Like what?" Zinkoff asked.

"Matching couples, making love potions, predicting love lives, etcetera."

"Oh. 'Kay then" Zinkoff said.

"But..." said Dupree.

"But what?"

"But how was Raqulle released? You and I aren't back together!"

Zinkoff looked like he was kicked where the sun didn't shine.

Raqulle shook her head. "The moment thy lips touched Zinkoff's own, your passion for each other ignited, like a hot inferno of love."

Zinkoff and Dupree looked like they had eaten ghost peppers and shook their heads in unison.

"I am able to sense true love as well, and yours is almost to the point where it is overwhelming!"

"There's no true love here, go back where you came from you delusional sorceress!"

Dupree looked hurt for a moment, but then her face became guarded.

Raqulle huffed in exasperation.

"Denying your obvious love for each other is cute and irritating at the same time, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST ACCEPT THAT YOU LOVE EACH OTHER!!!!" she yelled.

"THAT stuff is way too mushy for m-"


Rose and Lucille suddenly reapppeard. They smirked at Zinkoff and Dupree.

"You DO know that the magic fog in the corner has seen EVERYTHING right guys?"

"What?" Dupree said, confused. Zinkoff however, went pale.

"no-no-no-no-no-no-CRAPPP YOU SUCK MERLIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Zink?" she asked, sounding concerned.


Rose and Lucille were on the floor, laughing hysterically.


Dupree face-palmed and yelled.



Cae, Book, and Merlin cracked up at the sight of Dupree and Zinkoff's dismay. Then Zinkoff waved his hand at the fog with a furious look on his face. The fog disappeared.

"Darn, that hilarious!"

Daniel however, had slunk off to talk with someone...

Allan had been walking through the halls, trying to figure out his plan to kill Zinkoff.

"Not so fast Allan." Daniel said.

"What NOW?" Allan yelled.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist, I just want to help you with your little plan for Zinkoff."

"Oh. What is your plan?"

She put her hands on her hips. "I wasn't aware that I was working on no pay Allan."

"Oh! Will 500 silver do?"


They walked down the hallway together, disscussing their plan...


With a wave of his hand, Zinkoff produced a swirling vortex out of nowhere and yelled, "EVERYONE IN!!" He grabbed hold of Dupree'hand and jumped in.

Author's Note-SORRY that I took so long!!!! More update soon

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