Chapter Eight

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The swirling vortex appeared in Merlin's study.

"Tea and crumpets, that's what I need right now..." Merlin muttered. Book was flipping out.

"WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!" she yelled.

Five figures walked out of the vortex. Raqulle, Lucille, Rose, Dupree, and Zinkoff, who was still holding Dupree's hand.

Zinkoff and Dupree quickly released each other's hands.

Too late.

"Maya and Zinkoff sitting in a tree..." Cae began


"K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!" Book finished.

As Dupree stormed over to her fellow musketeers, Raqulle began to talk.

"My husband probably thinks I am dead by now." she said.

"Who's your husband?" Merlin asked.

"A demon."


She gave a little laugh. "Just kidding, but isn't a lawer the same thing?" Merlin sighed. By that time, Cae and Book's arms were red from Dupree slapping them, but they themselves were smirking at Zinkoff and Dupree.

Zinkoff looked at Merlin.

"Hello brother, I see you have figured out 'Dupree's' real identity, it took you long enough! And I thought you were supposed to be the smart one!"

Merlin rolled his eyes. "I had my suspicions!"

Zinkoff snorted in response, and Merlin gave him a glare.

A figure appeared in the doorway.

"WELL, WELL, WELL, WELL and another WELL! What have we HERE?"

"ALLAN!" Dupree yelled, her eyes wide.

"Gone back on our little deal I see?"

"Zinkoff and I are NOT back toge-MMM!!" She was cut off by Zinkoff suddenly pressing his lips to her own. Her eyes widened even further and she pulled away, a look of panic on her face.

"I got tired of you saying that..." he muttered, blushing.

"You have no idea what you've done Zink!" she cried.


"Do you think I really just hated you all those years?! I-I-I LOVE you, but you've ruined everything!"

Book and Cae looked at each other nervously.

Allan smiled cruelly.

"You see-" he said. "-musketeer 'Dupree' and I made a little deal...As long as she never was with another man, I would never take her as my bride."

Zinkoff looked shocked.

"That can't be true!" he said, looking at Maya

She avoided his eyes.

"Is there any way break this little deal?"

Allan smirked. "Only if the one who started it was dead, and that would be me."

Zinkoff cracked his knuckles.

"I think I could arrange that."

"What you died first Zinkoff?"


"We'll see about that..."

He pulled out two items from a pocket in his shirt. A...slingshot? And a small transparent ball filled with a cloudy red liquid.

Merlin gasped at the sight of the ball.

"That's ARCHEBODEE VENOM!!!" he yelled.

"Archa-whaty now?" Book asked in confusion.

"Archebodee venom! It is lethal to ALL living things, and even the smallest drop of it can KILL you instantly!"

"Couldn't have said it better myself Merlin." Allan said.

He put the ball of venom and put it in the slingshot, aiming right at


Inches before the venom reached Zinkoff, Dupree rushed in front of him.

His eyes widened to the size of saucers.

She gave him a nervous laugh.

"I told you I love you, didn't I?"

The venom hit her straight in the chest.

She collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

And quite possibly, dead. 





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