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I'm back so sorry this took a long time to make but um here

Before after the trio left

Suga had waken up the rest of the first years and told them that hinata had left when they asked where he was. They were confused on why he left them but they got ready to shop and search for him. They walked with Kindaichi and Kunimi since kageyama begged to let them come. They walked out the school where they saw kuroo and yaku panicking. "Um what happened" yachi said. "Oh um nothing it's just we lost lev and kenma"kuroo replied. " Whoa how you do that". " Well we honestly don't know yaku was asleep and chibi chan was asking me questions". "What hinata asked you questions about what". "What shops are around here why". "Because he left with out us". "Oh but that doesn't help us understand where lev and kenma are". " You think they left together" Kunimi said. They rest were silent for a while. " Ok so if they left together where would we find them". " We could split up to try and find them" yachi suggested. They others nodded and we're seeing how they would go off. In the end yachi and yamaguchi went off together. Kuroo and tsukishima, yaku left with kai who later came, and Kindaichi, Kunimi and kageyama went off.

It was now 10:30 am

Kuroo and tsukishima checked the gaming store first and found nothing but bought some games. Then they checked some clothes stores. "Hey tsuki you think I look good in this" he asked showing a overall with a plain white shirt. "Yea but I think you'll look good in this" he said pulling out a skirt and crop top. "Where did you get that" kuroo said laughing. "Idk but you should try it on". "Aww is tsuki trying to see me all pretted up" " shut up and no I don't but it'll be a shame if we can't show your boyfriend pictures of you in this" he said. Kuroo looked at him and grabbed the outfit. They walked to the dressing room where kuroo changed and tsuki picked out more clothes. But kuroo had secretly picked out some clothes for tsukishima. So now they were trying to see who had better taste and taking pictures of each other. They left that store to go to other stores with a hand full of bags that had the clothes they liked both girl and boy clothes and some for there soon to be boyfriends. They stopped for ice cream around 3pm that turned into a chasing game where they tried to put ice cream on each other. Totally forgetting to find kenma,lev and hinata.

With the others

Kindaichi, Kageyama and Kunimi

They started at shops close to the school but couldn't find them an hour late. "That boke will come before curfew" kageyama said and with that they started shopping.

Yamaguchi and Yachi

They started to look around for a while but when they got to the accessories yachi began to look at that instead. Yamaguchi had laughed at first then joined her they picked out stuff and then went to find somethings to match with them.

Kai and Yaku

They had actually looked around for 2 hours while browsing at stuff at the same time but kai had said that they still had to come back to the school so they could just talk to them then. Then he proceeded to drag yaku into stores till yaku was the one dragging him into other stores.

It was now 5:30

The skating trio

"You guys wanna go to the arcade I think we got enough games" hinata said. The other two agreed and they went on there way to the arcade. Lev had decided to take a picture of them each time they won a game. They played alot of easy games to warm up first which made them a lot of tickets fast but then came the harder games. Hinata had rage quit 2 games and kenma was pretty good at most excipt the basketball game. Lev was winning surprisingly. He had more tickets then them by alot. Hinata had 500 tickets. Kenma had 800 and Lev had 1200 tickets. They traded them in for some stuff animals,candy,toys etc. It was 8:45 when they had left the arcade with a cart that they gave them for all the stuff they had won. "Wow we could fill a room with these". "I mean yea we got a little more stuff then needed". "A little sho a little this is a whole ass cart we got way to much".  "Well anyways you guys wanna go buy some clothes and stuff before going back". They other two agreed and they headed into stores each taking turns to watch over the cart while the other two shopped. It was 10:15 when they were walking in the parking lot of the school. "You know there not going to trust us in going out any more with how much stuff we got". "Well they shouldn't have trusted us in the beginning". "I honestly don't care if they don't trust us I got my games and that's it".  They continued to talk as they walked into the school. When they stopped they didn't expect to see the others there.


It was 8:45 when the others met at the school entrance. They went inside and asked if hinata, lev and kenma were back. To which the coaches said no. They decided to stay at the entrance to wait for them. The other teams and couples came and asked what they were doing. Some decided to stay and so just went back to there rooms. Two hours TWO hours later the trio came threw the door laughing with a cart full of thing .

Hi sorry I didn't post when I got ungrounded (Monday) I had lost ideas while being grounded but hope this made up for it hope you have a great morning 🌄 evening 🌇 and night 🌆❤️.

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