Ch 2; the ravine.

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"Fuck fuCK fUcK–" Keigo cursed, trying his best to race away from the two human hunters chasing after him.

He was in his humanoid form, why were they hunting him? Goddammit. Why do griffin features have to be so telling?

What's better, being free and hunted, or trapped and taken care of..? Yeah, Keigo had been asking himself that question for the past few weeks now, while he'd been on the run. Most everywhere he went, he was hunted down or attacked, only narrowly escaping each one. After a while, he'd just given up on going into new kingdoms– but even then, the hunters always found him. They always chased him, attempting to capture the weakening griffin.

Keigo had eaten for so long.. and he was fucking starving. He was shit at hunting, others had always done it for him and he'd just relief on them– but now he was fending for himself. Just like he wanted.

Yeah.. maybe that wasn't the best idea.

Suddenly, Keigo heard a clicking noise in the distance, and only a few short lived seconds later.. he was trapped. A giant net had been thrown over him, presumably from some stupid human machine. Goddammit.

Keigo let out a pained scream, shifting into his griffin form as he plummeted to the ground. Below him, it was just forest. A giant forest. He'd be caught for sure..

Wait– not all forest. There was a small ravine, where a river ran into a lake, causing a small waterfall in the process. The rest was just grass. It looked so peaceful..

Wait. Someone's sitting there. By the lake. Fuck, that's not good.

Keigo forced himself to go quiet, soft whimpers escaping him as he plummeted into the river, setting off a loud splash before.. well, before everything went black.



"What the hell–" was all the boy managed to say, twitching his elf-like ears as a big stream of water washed over him. Luckily, he managed to pull his hood over his head just before the wave hit him, leaving his appearance normal.

Well, as normal as you could get for a half dead dragon.

What was this man's name? Well, it was technically Touya Todoroki, but he didn't like that, so he used Dabi instead. Kinda like a trans kid would change their name if it wasn't to their preferred gender, although he had other reasons.

What are those reasons, you may ask?




















Slowly, Dabi lifted the hood off his head, grumbling as he shook his body, attempting and failing at drying himself off. He let out an annoyed huff, trudging to the edge of the lake and peering in to see what the fuck it was that fell from the fucking sky.

(Discontinued) Fallen Fantasies || Mha Fantasy AU || DabihawksМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя