Ch 6; it's all a dream.

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"It's Touya! Touya Todoroki!" Dabi yelled, before stomping off towards the cave entrance, bursting through the vines and to the other side, leaving Keigo sitting in shock.

Keigo's eyes had widened as the name settled in, remembering what it truly meant. His mouth was slightly agape as he watched Dabi– no, Touya– burst through the vines away from him.

Was he just scared or angry? Or maybe both.. who knows?

The thing that confused Keigo the most, though.. was what'd happened to Touya.

He looked so different– and Keigo had been told so many times he'd died in a forest fire! Touya had white hair, not black– before that it was red, but still! And he has clear skin, he wasn't littered with burn scars–

..littered with burn scars. Died in a forest fire.

It all made sense now, how he turned out. But why change his name to Dabi? That was a stupid name.

And why were his flames blue? Keigo could've sworn they'd been orange last time he saw the other male. Then again, perhaps his strength had increased.. blue fire was considerably stronger than orange.

As Keigo places the pieces together, still questioning how Touya's hair was now black, he let himself lay on his side– the one that didn't have the broken wing, though his leg ached a little from the pressure.

All of those was crazy.

Keigo had just escaped his home a few weeks ago, been hunted down nonstop, and then he fell into the cave of the boy he once knew? How was this possible!

"The life of a free bird, I suppose." He mumbled, scrunching himself up in a ball as he attempted to cocoon himself in his wings, wincing as it pained him. Dammit, gonna have to get used to a broken wing for a while, eh?

It was at times like these Keigo cursed his hollow bones, they only made things so much harder in life. Injuries were so much easier to get ahold of, and so hard to get rid of.

At least, back when he still had to work with injuries. Now? Who knows what'll happen! Soon as Touya kicks him out, he'll probably starve to death or be hunted down! soon as Touya kicks him out.

But, what if he doesn't? What if he lets Keigo stay, what if they bond.. what if they become friends again?

That's all Keigo really wanted right now, was to bond with Touya once more. If this man really was the same person he knew as a child.. then he needed to revisit their once happy childhood.

For the most part.

Both of them suffered so much abuse, and both of them hid most of it from the other– but maybe now they could truly be happy. They were away from the people who'd caused all that pain, afterall.. maybe life would treat them this time around. Just maybe.

Pfft, yeah right! Life's a dick. No matter what happens, this is how things will play out. They'll lose everything over and over and just continue to break eachothers hearts.

This wasn't the dream Keigo had been longing for his entire fucking life, this was a nightmare!

This nightmare.. it made Keigo only want to end everything, again. He'd always been like this, to be honest, only the connection with his mother stopping him from 'overreacting,' as she put it. But now he was free! He was free.. free...

He wasn't free. He was locked in the prison of his own reality. Everywhere he went, Keigo would be hunted down– he'd never get a break!

Maybe this time.. some day soon.. it would all be over.

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