Ch 3; hunters.

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"Get away from my cave." The tall man seethed, standing in front of the catch the hunters had been aiming for for weeks. Griffin's were near impossible to find, and they'd managed to find a shifter– another anomaly that nearly no one had heard of. And then this bastard had the audacity to get in their way? He was gonna pay. Big time.

Haru. That was the taller hunters name. He had a large bag on his back, holding a bunch of equipment, his stature towering over his younger apprentice– her name being Kaiyo.

Kaiyo was only young. She was short, too, standing at a mere 4'10, while Haru was 6'2. He seemed taller than the black haired male they were facing off with, which Kaiyo guessed was probably just below 6'. He was tall, sure, but not as tall as Haru.

Haru was strong, too. He was known for being a great hunter, bringing down beasts of all sorts. Dragons included, which were one of the hardest to defeat. He'd even made a deal with the king of dragons to leave eachother in peace, which little did that king know, Haru would break if he was offered enough money.

So clearly, these two delinquents were no match for the pair. Despite Kaiyo's size, she too was quite strong. She could easily take these guys all on her own if given the chance.

At least.. that's what she thought. In reality, she would most likely fail. Haru had barely even begun training her, she'd die instantly depending on the power these two held.

One question struck Haru's mind, though.

Why was this man protecting the griffin?

"We don't want any trouble, sir. I'm simply here to retrieve my prize." Haru spoke calmly, though deep down he was seething with anger he just wished to let out. Although he had his bow facing the two men, Haru was holding back, refusing to shoot unless necessary.

"Prize? Oh c'mon! I'm not some stupid trophie!" Whined the griffin, who'd forced himself into a standing position behind the slightly taller male. Haru guessed he was about 5'7-ish, or something like that. Either way, he was short, at least compared to Haru.

"You can have him." Huffed the taller, trudging to the side of the cave.

"What?" Chimed all three of the others in unison, all clearly surprised by how easily the tall male had given up.

"I don't know him, I don't need him, I don't care about him. Take him, I just want to go back to sleep." He huffed, picking up the guitar that lay aside the cave before trudging over to the back where a large pile of junk lay.

"Eh? If you don't care, why'd you help me patch my wing up?!" The griffin defended himself, backing up into one of the walls as Haru began walking towards him, wincing at the impact.

A broken wing? Perfect. That'd just make it easier for Haru and Kaiyo to capture him.

"You were bleeding everywhere. I said I don't like my cave getting dirty like that." The man explained, glaring right at the griffin, a look of death in his eyes.

"Oh c'mon! You came to help me!"

"Because you were struggling. I had to, otherwise you'd keep dirtying things."

"You can't just hand me over to them– you don't know what they'll do to me!"

"They'll either kill you or sell you. I don't actually give a shit." The man turned away, trudging behind the large pile of junk that stood at the back of the cave.

That'd when Haru took his chance. He shot his bow, hitting the griffin in the leg, listening to the screams that emitted from his throat as he collapsed to the ground, and evil smirk growing on Haru's lips.

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