Ch 7; sleepy birdie.

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Sighing, Touya slowly made his way back to the ravine, his dragon form gliding gracefully through the night sky. He'd just dropped Kaiyo off at the nearest village after burrying Haru in the forest. He had of course died, thanks to Dabi. And eventually, Touya was able to convince Kaiyo to let him take her to town. He had to leave straight away, as he was recognised instantly, but he was sure Kaiyo would be alright.. hopefully.

When Touya landed in the ravine, he noticed the increased amount of blood scattered around. There was alot more than last time.. had Keigo come out of the cave and left? Probably.

Sighing, Touya trudged towards the bloodied vines that covered his cave entrance, forcing his way through. When he saw the scene inside, his eyes widened instantly.

In one spot of the cave lay a dead deer calf, and in the middle was a small group of wolves, stalking an either dead or sleeping bloodstained Keigo.

Touya had gotten back just in time.

Lunging forwards, Touya sent a large wave of flames at the wolves, listening to their burning whimpers, not daring to stop until the noise died down.

Once there was no more noise, Touya let out a large sigh of relief, letting his overheating arm fall to his side, flames dwindling away as he let his gaze drift to Keigo. He hadn't moved. Fuck.

Quickly, Touya rushed to his side, kneeling down beside the other and placing his hands over his shoulders. "Keigo- Keigo, wake up, dammit!" He called out, his voice panicked. Usually, Dabi wouldn't give a single shit about this, but right now, he wasn't in control- Touya was. More or less.

He'd been trying to kill Touya for so long, but Keigo's reappearance simply hardened that task. If the griffin stuck around, then Touya was for sure going to become host again, leaving Dabi to rot away in the back of his mind.

As Touya shook Keigo's body softly, he was relieved when he heard an annoyed groans escape the other, letting out a large breath he didn't realise he'd been holding. He was just glad Keigo wasn't dead, though he was definitely still injured.

Carefully, Touya got up again, trudging over to the large pile of junk in the corner. He pulled out get another splint, to strengthen the one around Keigo's wing, along with some bandages. Through further inspection, he found his old packet of painkillers and some aloe vera cream. Hopefully this would be enough to help Keigo heal up again.

It took a while, but eventually Touya was able to put Keigo's wing in a proper splint. Hopefully this one wouldn't cause as much pain. After that, he moved to the leg, cleaning it of blood and wrapping the bandages around it too. He was never bothered by anything gorey, thanks to what had happened to half his body, but with the wound going all the way through Keigo's leg.. well, it was a tad unsettling. At least it hadn't hit any bones, though.

It was honestly surprising how Keigo hadn't woken up once through the whole of Touya fixing him up- he would've thought it'd be pretty painful. Sure, Keigo had stirred every now and then, and even let out a few pained chirps, but overall he stayed asleep. Somehow.

After staying up for a good majority of the night, until sunrise was almost upon us, Touya had eventually decided to go to sleep.

He settled down some way away from Keigo, though still semi close to him. Deep down, it comforted him to be close to the other, even if they had only just reunited. More or less.


As sunrise rolled around, and the birds started chirping their morning song song, Keigo found himself waking up to a freshly bandaged wing and leg. At first he was confused, until he sat up and saw a sleeping man next to him. Touya, to be exact.

Sighing, Keigo realised Touya must've come back and patched him up. But what confused him more was the dead dear in the cave. Looking around, he saw there was about four dead wolves too. They looked burnt.. very burnt. Mostly ashes, to be honest. Dang, what'd Touya do?

Carefully, Keigo attempted to stretch a wing out to Touya, wincing as he realised iT wAs fUcKiNg brOkEn. Idiot.

Whimpering softly, Keigo made sure to keep his wing still now. Instead, he shimmied around so he could reach his other wing over instead, stretching it towards Touya and brushing it against his face.

No movement.

Pouting, Keigo brought the feathers to tickle his nose, eventually causing the taller male to sneeze.

Rubbing his nose, Touya opened his eyes lazily, only to be met with a giggling Keigo. "Fuck off, I'm trying to sleep." He mumbled, closing his eyes again as he tried to sleep. Emphasis on tried.

Keigo, being the annoying little brat he was, shuffled over to Touya's side with a smirk upon his face. Even if Touya had changed over the years, Keigo was glad to have him back. It was just like old times, when they used to annoy the other until they woke up again.

Keigo reached a hand over, poking the ravenette's cheek softly, avoiding the staples and scars on his face. Keigo didn't know whether or not those might hurt the taller male. "Tooooouuuuuyyyyaaaaa- c'mon, it's morning." Keigo huffed, continuing to be annoying.

Suddenly, Touya opened his eyes, an angered look within as he rolled onto his back, glaring up at Keigo. "Don't call me that. My name is Dabi."

"You kept calling me Keigo after I asked to be called Hawks, so why should I stop?" Keigo asked, raising an eyebrow with a bored expression on his face.

"...I hate you." Touya growled, rolling back into his side so he was facing away from Keigo.

"Mhm, of course you do. Thanks for fixing my wing and leg, by the way." Keigo smirked, knowing exactly what he was doing.

Keigo then shimmied around to face the other way so his wing wouldn't hurt, and lay down on his side, his back close to touching Touya's. Of course, he made sure his wings lay atop the other, just for that extra bit of annoyance. Touya had just ditched him and broken their promise, and expected Keigo not to annoy him? Hah! No.

"Fuck off. I wanna sleep." Touya groaned, scrunching himself into a ball, though for some reason he didn't move away from Keigo's wings. He just.. let them cover him. Huh.

"You had all night to sleep.. can't we talk?" Keigo asked, sounding a little more serious now. He needed to know why Touya had left him, and why he hadn't come back. He needed to know, he just had to..

"I just got back. I got no sleep. Let. Me. Sleep." Touya demanded, his body tensing as he held back the urge to burn Keigo's wings off. Yeah, he was pissed off, clearly.

Pouting, Keigo decided to stay quiet now. Maybe Touya would talk to him in the morning? Yeah.. wait it is the morning- HAHA. Eh, maybe later, in the afternoon- whenever he woke up. Touya always slept for a long time, so Keigo might be waiting a while.

Of course, he wanted to continue annoying Touya, but.. he didn't wanna push it. Clearly this wasn't the same boy he knew all those years ago.. god knows what might happen if he pushed too many buttons. Hell would break out.



/Posting this now cuz I run outta data in like,, 30 minutes, and idk when I'll get back online :') updates will be slow for a while. Thank you guys so far for all the reads and votes! <3//

//1299 words.//

(Discontinued) Fallen Fantasies || Mha Fantasy AU || DabihawksWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt