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Hey! Merky here with some unfortunate news.

I have, once again, lost interest in this story, and do not wish to continue. I am sorry :')

It's just that this story is based purely off of an amino roleplay, with a few minor adjustments, but while I enjoy that roleplay this story isn't as fun seeing as I've already written the topics within.

I do however, wish to continue some sort of story including Dabihawks. I might also do a Shigadabi one, or intricate them both into one via ✨ relationship drama✨

I have a few plots, some of which I have roleplayed on amino, though I would take the plots in a different direction if made on Wattpad to prevent myself from losing interest. I'll put the plots here for reference, feel free to choose one in the comments!

Plot 1;
Contains heavy angst and possibly triggering topics. Well, the story would– the brief is fine.

Keigo and Touya have been dating for four years, and Touya has even stopped the majority of his crimes. One day, Keigo gets called into an unusually timed emergency meeting, and it turns out worse than he hoped. The commission knows.

Now! This one could start around when they meet, and I could do some drama there. We could have a few chapters over their relationship before the commission finds out, and other stuff happens– I won't spoil everything for this story, but I've roleplayed it alot and have multiple ideas for what could happen within! They've made both me and my partner cry 💀

Plot 2;
Pirate/fantasy au
This one would contain both the fantasy au, and have some pirate aspects. Inspired briefly by a group roleplay chat on amino.

Touya hates the idea of being the royal heir to his father's throne, and after being wed off to an avian hybrid prince has had enough. He runs off, gathering up a small band of thugs and stealing a boat.
Now living the pirate life, Touya going by the name 'Captain Dabi', they adventure the seas on multiple adventures.

This plot is still developing, and because Dabihawks I will be thinking of a way to introduce Keigo back in after his first small arc mentioned in the plot, though it may take a while.

Plot 3;
Again, inspired vaguely by an amino group roleplay. This one is set after the manga, so if you haven't read that don't read– the plot brief has some of its own spoilers, so ye.

It's been a good few months after the prison break, and the world had envelopes in chaos. As heroes lost hope, and civilians tried to handle their sudden lifestyle change, villains rose up.
One in particular, previously known as Overhual, had risen above the rest. Now being able to control his quirk via his feet, he has recruited a new Yakuza, and managed to take Eri back to develop his anti-quirk drug, this time being closer to his goal.
They have currently managed to capture the number one hero; Endeavour, and stolen his quirk, now keeping him hostage. This has caused many heroes, including the once great Hawks to disappear, hiding in the shadows with broken faith.
While everyone hides, trying to escape the anti-quirkers, Keigo struggles with his past intern to rise back to his once great role, being forced to team up with villains along the way.

This one kinda died in the amino roleplay, but gave me great ideas. It will include Keigo as a father figure with Tokoyami, and although it's more focused on action there will be Dabihawks stuff.

Plot 4;
This one is more of a Shigadabi type roleplay, though it does include a Dabihawks child. It's also an omegaverse au! Developed from a random daydream story, which I tend to do occasionally. The Dabihawks child will be an oc, by the way– and bcuz I liked the name I used for an earlier hunter in this story, I was thinking of calling it Haru. Unless I find a better name, but eh–

ALSO this story contains mature and triggering topics, do not read if you're sensitive! The story may also contain smut, but it'd prolly be vague– maybe, idk. I haven't written smut in a Wattpad story before so it wouldn't be great regardless.

I know Dabi is aplha material but for plot purposes he's an omega–

Touya had been struggling for money recently, despite being with the league. He is forced to work as a prostitute, which is usually saved for beta's or omega on omega, though he lied to get the job. Unfortunately, this has lead to a few alpha's being paired with him, who h he usually takes precautions against with pregnancy pills, though this time he didn't, not knowing his client was an alpha.
Both him and his client were heavily drunk at the time, and extremely confused when they woke up next to eachother, the winged hero not even realising he'd come here.
Unfortunately, Touya had acclaimed a child, and struggles through the pregnancy with the league, Tomura being the first to find out.

Plot 6;
This one is also a Shigadabi one, been getting into that recently.
It's also a quirkless/college au! And yes, Touya has no scars in this.
May also contain mature/heavily triggering contents! Read at your own risk.

Touya was a rather quiet boy, a little over-obsessed with fire. After a visit from his father, who is a police officer, the two get into a large fight, causing Touya to be dragged back to his room by fellow police officers.
That's when he breaks.
Grabbing his lighter, Touya managed to burn his solitary dorm room, escaping via the window. Unfortunately for him, the police catch up and catch him, taking the 18yo to jail.
Because Touya had luckily not killed anyone, Enji was able to bail him out early with special circumstances. Touya was then placed back into the dorms, now being forced to share one with Tenko Shimura.
The two proceed to get dragged to a college party, both gaining considerably drunk before finding themselves back in their dorm when morning comes. The hangover is a killer, and with the help of Tenko's lighter, Touya successfully sends himself crazy.

This one's got a few good plans out, and you can guess that there might be some smut with the whole drunk thing, depending on how I feel about it later. This one was done as a Shigadabi roleplay, though if y'all prefer I can easily make it Dabihawks! Otherwise Keigo might be included as a fellow college student, though unlikely considering Touya would've just started college and Keigo is 1-2 years younger than him. Unless I make Touya 19-20 instead.. which I might have to, considering Tenko is actually 2-3 years younger than Touya.. ahah, might have to do some age editing for this plot to actually work out– also Touya's siblings could be at the college too, Fuyumi being 1 year younger and Natsuo being abt 5 🤔 maybe just Fuyu tho lmao. Idk, still deciding.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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