Ch 8; let it die..

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Morning. God why does it have to be- wait it's not morning. Midday? Afternoon? Fuck, how long did Touya sleep? Dammit.

Wait where's Keigo-

Touya instantly shot up, looking around panickedly in search for the wounded griffin. He couldn't be out on his own in his state, he'd be killed immediately! He almost was last night, dammit.

Quickly, Touya got to his feet, rushing out the cave entrance only to see Keigo sitting by the lake calmly. Touya let out a sigh of relief, glad Keigo hadn't been dragged away by wolves or some shit overnight.

Turning his gaze around, Keigo noticed the seemingly panicked Touya calming down, a slight smile spreading to his lips. "Aww, was Tou-Tou worried about me?" He teased.

"No- don't call me that!" Dabi defended himself, scowling at the winged blonde in front of him. God how he hated that blonde hair, and those crimson wings. He wanted to burn them off, strip Keigo of anything that he could be recognised by- and all at the same time he wanted to pamper him and make sure he never felt pain again. What is wrong with this bastard? Goddammit.

Keigo simply rolled his eyes, chuckling. "You always used to love that nickname, though. Or would you prefer me call you Dabs now?" Keigo asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Wh- no- yes- oh fuck up. Just call me by my name, Dabi." He grumbled, slumping as he trudged over towards Keigo. Bending down and cupping his hands, Dabi brought a small handful of water up, slurping it to rid his throat of the dryness he'd felt when he woke up.

"That's not your name though.." Keigo stated, eyeing Dabi suspiciously as he made his way to the pond. Of course he didn't want to call Dabi that, not after knowing him by Touya for so long. It was still annoying how accepting Keigo was being after Touya just.. ran off. At this point, Dabi wanted an argument.

"It is now, so fuck up. Touya's dead." Dabi stated, trying to convince himself Touya was gone. In reality, Touya would never leave.. but at least a man could hope.

"But he's not.. he's standing right beside me." Keigo stated, pouting at the taller man. Why wouldn't he just give the fuck up already? Ugh.

"He's dead. I'm not Touya- I'm Dabi, dumbass." Was all Dabi replied with, standing up with a small huff.

"Then why'd you say your name was Touya last night?" Keigo just wouldn't give up, would he?

Dabi stayed quiet for a moment, staring at Keigo- who clearly wanted to get up, but was probably too scared about his leg paining him again. "..I don't use that name anymore. It's a dead name." He huffed, beginning to trudge away.

Keigo pouted watching the taller trudge off, attempting to force himself up though wincing from his leg and instantly falling back to his earlier sitting position. "Oh c'mon, Tou- stop being so stubborn. You were never this stubborn." Keigo huffed, glaring at the now angered Dabi.

Turning around, Dabi was fuming. "I told you, I'm not Touya anymore! Touya's dead- I'm Dabi, dammit! You're lucky I haven't burned you, and you'll be lucky if I let you stick around after this!!" He growled, fists clenched as his elf-like ears twitched in annoyance.

Keigo flinched at Dabi's words, though he soon furrowed his own gaze angrily, and fumed right back. "After what, huh? What'd I do except cry after you 'died'?! You're so selfish, Touya! You just left everyone to suffer while you ran away like a coward and now you say I'm in the wrong? What had gotten into you?"

Dabi's gotten into me. "You don't understand what was happening, Kei- things weren't easy! You couldn't expect me to stick around with all that.. that.. that bullshit!" He snapped, blue sparks radiating from Dabi's closed fists as his breath quickened.

"I do know what was going on. You told me what was going on, and I told you what was happening me, too. You also promised to never leave, and then you faked your own bloody death and just ditched everyone-!" Keigo rambled on, not even realising the tears that begun to decorate his face. It was heartbreaking to be going off at his old friend like this, but at the same time it felt so good. Ever since Keigo found out Dabi was Touya, he'd been conflicted between joy and rage towards the man.

Dabi simply stayed silent at this, staring at Keigo's breaking form. Unfortunately, as he was about to open his mouth, Keigo began speaking again, cutting off his unsaid words.

"You know the worst part, Tou? Oh I'm sorry- Dabi. You didn't even give me any kind of teller that you were gone- you were the only thing keeping me sane. You can imagine what happened when you died!" He rambled on, fists clenching as a he fumed at the taller, face red with tears as he attempted to hold back his tears.

By this point, even Touya wasn't sure what to say. Dabi neither. He had no idea- so he just stayed silent, staring blankly at Keigo. He hadn't even thought what might be going through Keigo's mind after his death.. he hadn't even thought about their promise. Dabi had been controlling most of Touya's memories, so he must've blocked the promise out. Touya was only now remembering it.. and oh was he regretting what he'd done.

He hadn't even given Keigo any notice that he was still alive, and just look what that lead to? Yeah, Touya wasn't a great person.. at all. Dabi was worse, but still.

"Oh, what now? Not even gonna speak? Come on, Touya! You can't keep your stupid fucking gob shut forever-" Keigo fumed, beginning to tremble. Whether from anger or sadness, though, was unclear..

Dabi.. still didn't respond. Slowly, he forced himself to turn away, trudging towards his cave and leaving Keigo to his tears, not a single emotion on his face.

This, of course, broke Keigo.

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?! YOU'RE JUST GONNA LEAVE- JUST LIKE THAT?! AGAIN?!" He yelled, finally allowing his tears to escape at their fast pace. "YOU'RE JUST GONNA LEAVE ME ALL OVER A-FUCKING-GAIN, HUH?!"

It took a good few minutes of Keigo yelling similar phrases until he finally collapsed to his knees, wincing at the pain from his sore leg. He just couldn't take it anymore, it was breaking his heart- Touya.. really hated him. Goddammit.

"FINE! IF THAT'S HOW YOU WANT IT, FINE!!" He yelled out again, taking in a raspy breath, his throat dry from all the screaming. "YOU LEFT ME, SO NOW I'LL LEAVE YOU!!" He finished, forcing himself up once again, ignoring the pain in his leg.

Struggling, Keigo made his way out of the ravine, mostly due to the help of a small path nearby the waterfall. He then began running, paying his leg no mind. He needed to get out of here, he needed to escape. He couldn't stay here, not when his heart was already broken beyond repair. It was just too much.

At this point, he didn't care whether or not he was captured and killed.. he didn't give a shit. He was never going to escape it, and with the knowledge Touya now hated him.. well it just made living even less appetising then before, and it was never exactly a snack...


//Damn- but short. I'll try get a longer one out next time! Ran out of pre-written chapters for now, but I'll work on one over the next few days. Got a big day out planned tomorrow so I won't have much time, sorry :') thanks for all the love and support so far! <3//

//1299 words//

(Discontinued) Fallen Fantasies || Mha Fantasy AU || DabihawksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora