Chapter 10.. Waiting.

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Yo i got over 12k reads and I cryed. Thank you guys so much in I've got ideas for a new oneshot book and I have no ideas for this one so if u would like to give me ideas put them..


Anyways enjoy!

Y/n pov

"Y/n! How long do we have to stay in this basement I'm bored" Tommy whined. "I'm not sure but every once in a while me and techno will go outside make to make sure there is no radiation from the bombs" I answered him.

"but that takes to loooooong" Tommy cried before Phil shushed him "Tommy be quiet our you don't have mud privileges anymore" wich shushed Tommy up. "can I have mud?" tubbo questioned. "no tubbo,you can't have mud." phil answered.

"oh y/n have I ever to the story about my kids eating addictions" phil comments. "phil we don't need to talk about it." techno interrupts but Phil continues "Tommy loved mud, and he still does. Wilbur used to eat sand. And techno would eat gravel.its crazy what they would eat and also when techno was a kid he used to-" phil continues but techno stops him. "phil we don't need to know about my childhood"

-_time skip_-

Phil couldn't stop talking about when techno, wilbur and Tommy were little. I was cute but techno couldn't stop blushing in embarrassment.

Techno had his face in his palms trying to cover his face but his gloves were dirty so he didn't want dirt on his face

I leaned onto technos shoulder while he was so embarrassed that he took off his gloves which he barely does unless he's alone or sleeping just to hide his face

I loved to hear about the boys past it was cute the habits they had and how techno had glasses tat kept breaking from him fighting.

I didn't meet techno until we were both around 17 for fight training. Its surprising how he got so far because he was the worst in the training. I was the best because I would train non stop while techno had to shake tommy off his shoulders.

Tommy actually really clingy to everyone including me! If I was talking to him and I had to leave he would grab my arm and pull me back or follow me wherever I go. It was nice but super annoying after a while.

Everyone was patched up including the dogs and I got the blood stains out of techno Cape. I noticed that nova had extra weight but I didn't know if it was her weight or anything else but I told techno to keep an eye on it.

I wouldn't blame nova for picking up a bit of weight from the worry of the war and stress eating or not losing the weight by running around.

In fact I picked up a bit of weight to but I don't want techno to find out if I gain any more.

I get lost in thought thinking about things I'm insecure about and highlighting them in my head.

I get snapped out of it by techno blade. "should we go and check if it's safe to go outside darling?" he asks.

(I love the idea of techno calling you darling or like princess idk it sounds like he would call someone that)

I don't answer and just nod. Techno and I go up the stair case. "we used to have railings but Wilbur just really enjoyed falling"

I giggled at his comment,we go and open the door to see clear blue sky's and green grass. He hands me a gas mask and we put it on just to be safe as we walk to lmanburg.

We see lmanburg, well what waa left of it as we go closer. Once we arrive there was buildings in half theres just a giant hole full of ash and dirt.

Techno took his mask off to check the air and he said it was safe to breathe so took the mask off too.

It was said to see lmanburg like this..Again Wilbur blew it up and we are no sure how he died we assume its from an explosion but we are not too sure.

I look at techno and he is just looking at lmanburg. "how are they going to clean this up and make a new lmanburg" I ask

He looks at me and says "I would hate to say it but I think we would have to help them". I look confused because techno would never say that. "not like you to say that but ok gravel eater" I laugh while he stares and looks away in embarrassment.

"Well you tell them to come back and I'll wait here"techno says and I nod running back to pogtopia.

-_time skip_-

I walk back with everyone chatting behind me. I see techno with his pig mask on. I was confused because he wasn't wearing it before but maybe it was just because of people coming.

But he was a lot shorter then normal he's around my hight now but he always made fun of me being short when he's just tall. I am tall too I am 5'9 while he was over 6 foot.

I show everyone lmanburg but techno is silent. And I knew something was up. "techno you know our dog
mason?" I question him. "yeah what about him" techno said but in a really scratchy voice which wasn't as deep and monotone as him.

"well maybe the fact we don't have a dog named manson" I say as I rip off the mask. I was shocked to see his face.

"What are you doing sapnap and where is techno. "

Words: 963

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