Chapter 6 I hate hospitals

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Broken arm

Broken arm

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Bella's POV

I had just gotten off the phone with Charlie as we pulled up to the hospital and not once have I let go of my sister's hand or take my eyes off of the subtle rise and fall of her chest even though it was slowly decreasing, when the doors to the ambulance opened several nurses and doctors swarmed her gurney getting her out of the office as quickly as possible.

"Her bp is 120 over 80, her right lung is collapsing and probably torn from her ribs being fractured, her left arm is fractured and she has a gash just above her eyebrow the bleeding stopped on the way but I'm worried about internal bleeding," One of the EMT's said as he ran along the side of the gurnee with the doctors and nurses, "She's going to need surgery prep her and call her family," the doctor said as they pushed my sister passed twin door where I was forced to stay out of, "Doctor, c-can you save her," I asked shakily not knowing what I would do if my sister died saving me, the doctor places his hand on top of my arm, "We'll do everything we can, now I have to go help get her prepped for surgery, you can go wait in the waiting room" he said sending me on my way as he turned on his heels and walked into the double doors that my sister disappeared behind as I sat down putting my head in my hands tears stinging my eyes.

"Bella!" I heard charlie yell making me look up, "what happened? Where's your sister? Are you okay?" He asked, " t-there was an accident and it all happened so fast amber pushed me out of the way but she took the hit, they're they're preparing her for surgery, she rebroke her ribs and they say a shard p-punctured her lung and it was collapsing in on itself, she broke her arm again a-and she gonna need stitches on her face again just above her eyebrow" I said as he looked at me in shock processing what I said, he fell back in his chair a hand covering his mouth as his other hand went to his hair, "W-will she make it?" He asked his voice cracking as tears welled up in his eyes, "T-The doctor said they'll do everything they can" I said sitting next to him grabbing his hand both of us silently praying for her..

Jaspers POV

We all rushed into the hospital the doors slamming making everyone look at us, I looked for one person and one person only, not finding her I looked for her sister and maybe her father seeing them sitting in hospital chairs with tears and worried expressions, we walked over to them, "Bella" thomas said softly making her head snap to us, "How's amber?" Alice asked impatiently looking for our mate not bothering to look at the future to scared of seeing the outcome, " She's in surgery" she said quietly tears falling down her face.

 I felt like the wind got knocked out of me, venom filling my eyes as rose fell back into emmett a hand covering her mouth, emmett was looking at the floor his hands clenched into fists by his side but I could feel his pain, alice stood infront of me frozen like a statue unmoving but not like how she gets when she gets a vision just frozen, terror and agony seeped off of her in waves making me feel nautious and dizzy, Edward ,he was the worst, blaming himself for not noticing sooner or walking her and bella to their cars, "W-Why is she in surgery?" Thomas asked.

"When the van rebroke her ribs, T-The shards tore her lung a-and her lung began to collapse" bella said, I walked to the wall pressing my back against it and sliding down the wall sitting with my knees pulled to my chest as the emotions in the room and my own began to become to much and I felt like I was suffocating all over again. 

Emmett guided a lifeless rose to empty hospital seats as alice sat next to them still in shock,  thomas sat next to bella with his arms on his knees his face in his hands at the chance if losing his new sister, and Edward slid down on the wall next to me looking forward at nothing all of us not knowing if we could live without her. 

Charlie was looking blankly at the operation in progress sign waiting for it to go off with bella while I couldn't bare to look at it fearing the worst, 'Please bring her back to us' I thought as I looked forward at the wall all of us praying silently for our mate.

Emmett's POV

I held rose to me as I stared at the floor feeling nothing, I couldn't stop thinking about herz all of the brightness she brought to all of us in the short week of us actually knowing her, I could hear her voice in my head, hear the beat of her heart, see her beautiful eyes, see her smile, everyone expects me to be a tough mean heartless bastard but she wasn't scared she walked into our live with that beautiful smile and her head held high, she wasn't aloud to leave, I wouldn't let her.

*Time skip*

Charlie's POV

I waited for 3 hours watching that damn operation in progress light like a hawk, I had just gotten my angel back I couldn't loose her again, I was positive I was going to kill the goon in the other car but none of that mattered as Dr. Cullen stepped out of the operating room taking off his gloves, gloves covered in my baby girls blood, "Ambrosia swans relatives" he said looking over at me and bella then at his children scattered around the waiting room, I got up in a hurry standing in front of him with a hopeful expression seeing his poker face, "I-Is she ok doc.. j-just give it to me straight" I said to keep my voice from cracking as tears gathered in my eyes. I felt relief flush through me when he smiled,  Dr. Cullen said gently patting my shoulder, "Can we see her?" I asked him as bella stood next to me, " Of course she's in room 119 , I'll have a nurse escort you" he said softly motioning to one of the nurses, "Thank you carlisle" I said  making him smile, "Just doing my job" he said before we were guided by the nurse to see my baby girl.

Alice's POV

I looked up when I heard carlisle's footsteps and held my breath, "Ambrosia swans relatives," he said looking over at all of us, charlie asked how she was if there were any complications, I was scared no absolutely terrified to hear what carlisle would say, I refused to look into the future when it came to our mate even more so when the accident happened," Ms. Ambrosia swan will make a full recovery, you got a fighter on your hands charlie, as her Doctor I do have to tell you..she died for a couple of minutes but then she bounced right back, she fought like hell" I smiled letting out the breath I was holding as I dry sobbed into my hands feeling absolute relief wash over me, 'our mate is safe, she's safe' I repeated in my head like a mantra. 'our little fighter' I thought as I watch charlie and bella walk to her room before carlisle motioned for us to follow him to his office.
*Time skip*

Ambrosias POV

I groaned softly as pain registered all over my body, I slowly opened my eyes feeling the oxygen tube in my nose, the light in the room made me wince and shut my eyes, 'Where am I?' I thought my head pounding and my heart ringing in my ears, "Angel? Amber sweetheart can you hear me", "Papa," I croaked my throat feeling scratchy, "I'm here baby, I'm here" papa said taking my hand in his, "Bella.." I said as I slowly re-opened my eyes looking for my sister, "Your sister is asleep, she wouldn't leave your side all night" papa said, 'All night' I thought, "What happened how long was I out" I asked careful of the iv as papa helped me sit up, "only a day angel" papa said. I nodded slowly leaning my head back slightly before something registered in my head, 'The cullens' I thought lifting my head up slightly, "You have the cullens wrapped around your little finger don't you" papa teased making me tilt my head slightly.

"What" I said softly, "those kids haven't left the waiting room, they said they wanted to be here when you woke up" papa said, I nodded my head, "Will you..", "go get them" he asked making me nod, "of course angel but after you promise, no more playing hero alright," he said, "okay papa" I said, he sighed softly and kissed my forehead before he got up and walked out of the room to get the cullens. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, I placed my casted arm over my stomach 'i hate hospitals' I thought and listened quietly for soft steps of the cullens that I was used to even though I knew they would be running, and as if on cue I heard them making a smile spread across my face as I turned my head to the door opening my eyes, when the door opened my smile widen as I looked over each if them, I waved with my good hand, "Hi." I said softly, "Amber.." they all said in relief.

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